
  • En [ breɪk]
  • Us [ breɪk]


  • 0 to (cause something to) separate suddenly or violently into two or more pieces, or to (cause something to) stop working by being damaged -- 破碎,破裂;打破;打斷;損壞,弄壞

    • The dish fell to the floor and broke. 碟子掉到地上摔碎了。

    • Charles is always breaking things. 查爾斯老是打碎東西。

    • She fell and broke her arm (= broke the bone in her arm). 她摔斷了胳膊。

    • I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces. 我把花瓶掉在地上摔碎了。

    • I think I've broken your phone. 我想我弄壞了你的電話。

    • I picked it up and the handle broke off. 我把它撿了起來,可是手柄斷了。

    • We heard the sound of breaking glass. 我們聽見玻璃破碎的聲音。

  • 1 to destroy or end something, or to come to an end -- 毀壞,打破;結束,終結

  • 2 to fail to keep a law, rule, or promise -- 破壞;違反;違背

    • He didn't know he was breaking the law (= doing something illegal). 他不知道自己的行為是犯法的。

    • She broke her promise/word to me (= did not do what she promised she would). 她違背了對我的諾言。

  • 3 to (cause something to) divide into two or more parts or groups -- 分散;分開;分解

  • 4 to interrupt or to stop something for a short period -- 打斷;中斷,中止

    • We usually break for lunch at 12.30. 我們通常12點半休息吃午餐。

    • I needed something to break the monotony of my typing job. 我需要做點甚麽來打發打字工作的單調。

    • The phone rang, breaking my concentration. 電話響了,打斷了我的注意。

    • UK They decided to break their journey in Singapore. 他們決定在新加坡稍作停留。

  • 5 to go somewhere or do something by force -- 急衝;猛闖;突破

  • 6 to lose your confidence, determination, or ability to control yourself, or to make someone do this -- (使)(自控能力、信心、意志等)崩潰

    • He thought she would break under the strain. 他覺得她在壓力之下會崩潰的。

    • They tried to break his will (= make him lose his control) but he resisted. 他們企圖使他失去自控,但他頂住了。

  • 7 to become known or to make something become known -- 暴露,洩漏;透露;傳開

  • 8 (of waves) to reach and move over the beach, hit a cliff or wall, etc. -- (波浪)拍岸,迸濺

    • A huge wave broke on/against the shore/over the boat. 一個大浪打在岸邊/沖上了輪船。

  • 9 (of the weather) to change suddenly and usually become worse -- (天氣)驟變

    • The forecast is for the hot weather to break today. 天氣預報說炎熱的天氣將在今天發生驟變。

  • 10 (of a storm) to start suddenly -- (風暴)突起

    • We arrived just as a storm was breaking. 我們抵達時正是風暴突起之時。

  • 11 When dawn or day breaks, the sun starts to appear in the sky early in the morning. -- (晨光)初現;(天)破曉

    • Dawn broke over the city. 城市上空,天光破曉。

  • 12 When a boy's voice breaks it begins to sound like a man's. -- 變嗓

    • His voice broke when he was 13. 他是13歲的時候變嗓的。

    • Her voice was breaking with emotion as she pleaded for her child's return. 當她苦苦哀求讓她的孩子回來時激動得嗓音都變了調。

  • 13 (in tennis) to win a game in which another player is serving (= hitting the ball first) -- (網球比賽中)破發球

    • Nadal broke Cilic's serve in the second set. 納達爾在第二盤中破了契利奇的發球局。

  • 14 If a football team breaks, it gets the ball in its own half and attacks quickly into the opposing team's half. -- (足球比賽中)反擊

    • Blues broke quickly, catching Wolves on the back foot. 藍隊(切爾西隊)快速反擊,打了狼隊(伍爾弗漢普頓流浪隊)一個措手不及。

  • 15 an interruption -- 中止,中斷

    • Finally there was a break in the rain and we went out. 雨終於停了,我們都出來了。

    • I'll make us a cup of tea in the next break. 下次插播廣告時我去替大家泡杯茶。

    • a coffee break 喝咖啡的休息時間

    • UK a tea break 茶歇

    • a lunch/dinner break 午/晚餐時間

    • We'll take another break at 3.30. 我們三點半再休息一次。

    • They worked through the night without a break. 他們連續工作了一個晚上。

    • Do you usually take a morning/afternoon break? 你通常上午/下午中間休息嗎?

    • We were talking about it at break. 我們課間休息時在談論這件事。

    • Take a couple of weeks off - you need a break. 請兩個星期的假吧——你需要休息。

    • How long is the Christmas break this year? 今年的聖誕假期有多長?

    • We decided to have a short/spring/winter/weekend break in Paris. 我們決定在巴黎停留一下/休春假/休寒假/度週末。

    • I'll read your report over (= during) the Christmas break. 我將在耶誕節休假期間看你的報告。

    • I need a break from typing. 我需要休息一段時間,不打字。

    • I babysit every Friday to give her a break. 每週五我都負責照顧孩子,好讓她能休息一下。

    • Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm. 饒了她吧——她還只是個孩子,況且她並無惡意。

  • 16 an opportunity for improving a situation, especially one that happens unexpectedly -- 機會;機緣;好運

    • Her big break came when she was offered a role in a Spielberg movie. 她在史帝芬.史匹柏執導的影片中得到了一個角色,她的機會來了。

  • 17 a place where something has broken -- 破裂;裂口,裂縫

    • There's a break in the pipe. 管子上有道裂縫。

  • 18 the end of a relationship, connection, or way of doing something -- 毀壞;打破;結束,終結

  • 19 in tennis, a game won by the player who was not serving (= hitting the ball first) -- (網球中的)破發,接發球得分

    • Murray must get another break (of serve) to win. 穆雷必須再破對方一個發球局才能贏。

  • 20 to escape from/towards somewhere or something, often by force -- (常指用暴力)逃離,逃脫

    • A group of prisoners made a break from the jail a few years back. 幾年前一群犯人越獄逃跑了。

    • The cat made a break for the door. 那隻貓向門口跑去。

    • When he let go, I made a break for it (= escaped quickly). 他一放開我,我馬上就遛了。

  • 21 the time when the sun rises in the morning -- 破曉

    • We set out at break of day. 我們破曉時分出發。





  • 中文简体

    损坏, 破碎,破裂, 打破…

  • Español

    romper(se), romper, estropear(se)…

  • Português

    quebrar(-se), quebrar, parar…

  • 日本語

    壊れる(~を壊す), 割れる(~を割る), ~を骨折する…

  • Türk dili

    kırmak, bozulmak, çalışmamak…

  • Français

    pause [feminine], chance [feminine], félure [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    trencar(-se), trencar, espatllar(-se)…

  • العربية

    يَكْسِر, يَكْسِر (العَظْم), يُعَطِّل…








