
  • En [ riːtʃ]
  • Us [ riːtʃ]


  • 0 to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling -- (尤指經過很長時間或費很大氣力旅行後)到達,抵達

    • We won't reach Miami until five or six o'clock. 我們得五六點鐘才能到達邁阿密。

    • They finally reached the coast after five weeks sailing. 他們經過五個星期的航行終於靠了岸。

    • News of his accident had only just reached us. 我們剛剛得到他出事的消息。

    • She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do. 她得出結論,她再也沒有甚麽可做的了。

    • We'll inform you when a decision has been reached. 作出決定後我們就通知你。

    • The jury took four days to reach a verdict. 陪審團花了四天時間才作出裁決。

  • 1 to get to a particular level, especially a high one -- 達到,發展到,提升到(尤指高的水準等)

    • The temperature is expected to reach 30°C today. 今天的氣溫預計會達到30℃。

    • He's just reached the grand old age of 95. 他剛到95歲高齡。

    • I've reached the point where I'm not going to put up with her criticisms of me any more. 我已經受夠了,我再也不能忍受她這樣非難我了。

  • 2 to stretch out your arm in order to get or touch something -- 伸出手臂(去拿或觸摸),伸手及到

    • She's grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now. 她個子長高了,能夠著門把手。

    • He reached for the phone and knocked over a glass. 他伸手去拿電話時,碰倒了一個杯子。

    • The child reached down/out/over and picked up the kitten. 那個孩子彎腰伸手/伸出手/把手伸過去抱起那隻小貓。

    • He reached his hand out for the money. 他伸手去拿錢。

    • [ + two objects ] UK Can you reach me (down) that book? 你能幫我把那本書拿下來嗎?

    • The ladder won't quite reach the top of the wall. 這架梯子夠不著牆頭。

    • She was wearing a dress that reached (to) her ankles. 她身穿一件長及腳踝的連衣裙。

  • 3 to communicate with someone in a different place, especially by phone or email -- (尤指透過電話或信件)和…聯繫,與…取得聯繫

  • 4 Your reach is the distance within which you can stretch out your arm and touch something. -- 伸手可及的距離

    • I like to keep a notebook and pencil within (arm's) reach. 我喜歡把筆記本和鉛筆放在隨手可及的地方。

    • The top shelf is within/out of (his) reach. 架子最高層的隔板(他)夠得著/夠不著。

    • Make sure that you keep all dangerous substances out of the reach of the children. 一定要把所有危險物品放在孩子拿不到的地方。

    • We live within (easy) reach of the station. 我們家離車站很近。

    • You've got quite a long reach - can you get that box down from the top shelf for me? 你手臂長——能替我從最高的架子上把那個盒子拿下來嗎?

    • He made a sudden reach for his gun. 他突然伸手去拿槍。

  • 5 the limit within which someone can achieve something -- (某人能力等的)所及範圍

    • An expensive trip like that would be completely beyond/out of (my) reach (= I would not have enough money to pay for it). 像那種花費大的旅行(我)完全承受不了。

    • After years of saving, the car was at last within (her) reach (= she had enough money to pay for it). 存了好幾年錢,(她)終於能買得起那輛汽車了。

  • 6 a part of a river or part of an area of land -- (河流的)一段流域;地帶;地段

    • The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon. 探險隊動身向亞馬遜河上游進發。

    • There was little snow on the lower reaches of the ski run. 滑雪道下面的一段幾乎沒有雪。

    • We know very little about the farthest/outermost reaches of the universe. 我們對宇宙最遠處/最周邊空間知之甚少。

    • The news has shocked the upper reaches of the government. 這個消息震動了政府高層。





  • 中文简体

    到达, (尤指经过很长时间或费很大气力旅行后)到达,抵达, 水平…

  • Español

    llegar a, alargar la mano, extender el brazo…

  • Português

    chegar a, alcançar, atingir…

  • 日本語

    ~に着く, 到着する, (~に腕や手を)伸ばす…

  • Türk dili

    ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek…

  • Français

    atteindre, arriver, tendre le bras…

  • Catalan

    arribar a, allargar la mà, estendre el braç…

  • العربية

    يَصِل, يَمُدّ يَدَه, يَصِل إلى…








