
  • En [ pleɪs]
  • Us [ pleɪs]


  • 0 an area, town, building, etc. -- 地方;場所

    • Her garden was a cool pleasant place to sit. 坐在她的花園裡真是涼爽宜人。

    • What was the name of that place we drove through on the way to New York? 我們開車去紐約路上經過的那個地方叫甚麼名字?

    • They decided to go to a pizza place. 他們決定去披薩店。

    • There are several places of interest to visit in the area. 該地區有好幾處旅遊勝地值得參觀。

    • It's important to feel comfortable in your place of work. 在工作場所感覺舒坦是很重要的。

    • I'm looking for a place to live. 我在找住的地方。

    • We'll have the meeting at my place. 我們將在我家開會。

    • University is a great place for making new friends. 大學是結交新朋友的好地方。

    • [ + to infinitive ] This meeting isn't the place to discuss your problems, I'm afraid. 恐怕這個會議不是談論個人私事的場合。

  • 1 a position in relation to other things or people -- 位置

    • His leg was broken in two places. 他腿上有兩處骨折。

    • When you've finished, put the book back in its place on the shelf. 你看完之後把書放回書架上原來的位置。

    • This plant needs a warm, sunny place. 這株植物需要放在一個溫暖有陽光的地方。

    • Will you keep my place (in the queue) (= allow me to come back to the same position)? 你幫我佔著(排隊的)位置好嗎?

    • She spoke to me and I lost my place in the book (= I forgot where I had been reading). 她和我說話,我忘了書看到哪裡了。

    • My ticket says 6G but there's someone sitting in my place. 我的票上印的座位號碼是6G,但已經有人坐在我的座位上了。

    • The children collected their prizes and then went back to their places. 孩子們領了獎品後都回到自己的座位。

    • Save me a place (= keep a seat for me until I arrive) near the front. 在靠前面的地方替我留個座位。

    • The waiter showed us to our places and gave us each a menu. 侍者把我們引領到我們的位子去,給了我們每人一份菜單。

    • He laid six places at the table. 他在桌子旁擺放了六張座椅。

    • She's got a place at university 她在大學裡找到一個職位。

    • UK She's got a place on a fine-arts course. 她被一個教美術課程錄取了。

    • US She's got a place in a fine-arts course. 她被一個教美術課程錄取了。

    • Our team finished in second place. 我們隊獲得了第二名。

    • He took third place (= was the third to finish) in the marathon last year. 他在去年的馬拉松比賽中獲得了季軍。

    • I know I left that book some place - now, where was it? 我知道我把書放在某個地方了,但是在哪裡呢?

    • That bar was like no place I'd ever been before. 那酒吧和我去過的任何地方都不同。

    • The concert takes place next Thursday. 音樂會下星期四舉行。

    • The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults. 在大人中間那個男孩顯得很不自在,格格不入。

    • The chairs are all in place. 椅子都擺在合適的地方。

    • He screwed the shelf in place. 他把架子釘在合適的位置。

    • The arrangements are all in place for the concert next Thursday. 下星期四音樂會的各項籌備工作已全部就緒。

    • You can use margarine in place of butter in some recipes. 有些食譜裡,你可以用人造牛油代替牛油。

  • 2 what a person should do or is allowed to do, especially according to the rules of society -- 職責;權限

  • 3 to put something in a particular position -- 放置,安放,擺放

  • 4 to recognize someone or remember where you have seen someone and how you know them -- 確切地回憶起;辨認出

    • She looks familiar but I can't place her - did she use to work here? 她很面熟,但我記不起來了——她以前在這裡工作過嗎?





  • 中文简体

    地区, 地方, 场所…

  • Español

    lugar, casa, sitio…

  • Português

    lugar, casa, colocar…

  • 日本語

    場所, 箇所, 家…

  • Türk dili

    yer, mahal, konum…

  • Français

    endroit [masculine], maison [feminine], place [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    lloc, indret, casa…

  • العربية

    مَكان, بَيْت, خانة…








