
  • En [ muːv]
  • Us [ muːv]


  • 0 to (cause to) change position -- (使)改變位置,動;(使)移動

    • I'm so cold I can't move my fingers. 我太冷了,手指都動不了了。

    • Will you help me move this table to the back room? 你能幫我把這張桌子搬到後面的房間裡嗎?

    • Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ? 我們能將會議時間由下午兩點改到三點半嗎?

    • Don't move! Stay right where you are. 別動!就留在那裡。

    • I thought I could hear someone moving about/around upstairs. 我好像聽到樓上有人走動。

    • If you move along/over/up (= go further to the side, back, or front) a little, Tess can sit next to me. 如果你往旁邊/往後/往前挪一點,特絲就能坐在我旁邊了。

    • Police officers at the scene of the accident were asking people to move along/on (= to go to a different place). 意外現場的警官要求路人走開。

    • Come on, it's time we were moving (= time for us to leave). 快點,我們該走了。

    • Let's stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our journey) tomorrow morning. 我們今晚留在這裡吧,明早再繼續趕路。

    • In chess, the pieces can only move in certain directions. 下棋必須按棋規所定的方向走子。

  • 1 to go to a different place to live or work -- 搬家;搬遷;遷移

    • We're moving to Paris. 我們要搬到巴黎去了。

    • They've bought a new house, but it will need a lot of work before they can move into it/move in. 他們買了個新房子,但搬進去之前還有許多工作要做。

    • I hear Paula has moved in with her boyfriend (= gone to live in his house). 我聽說寶拉搬到她男朋友家去了。

    • The couple next door moved away (= went to live somewhere else) last year. 隔壁的那對夫妻去年搬走了。

    • A lot of businesses are moving out of London because it's too expensive. 許多企業因為負擔不起高昂的費用而遷出了倫敦。

    • We're moving house next week. 我們下週搬家。

  • 2 to (cause to) progress, change, or happen in a particular way or direction -- (使)進展;(使)發展

  • 3 to cause someone to take action -- 促使,驅使

  • 4 to (cause to) change an opinion or the way in which you live or work -- (使)改變觀點(或做法)

    • He's made up his mind, and nothing you can say will move him on the issue. 他主意已決,你說甚麼也不能改變他對��件事的看法。

    • More and more people are movingaway from/towards vegetarianism. 越來越多的人不再奉行素食主義/正成為素食主義者。

  • 5 to cause someone to have strong feelings, such as sadness, sympathy, happiness, or admiration -- 感動;引起,激起(情感)

    • She said that she was deeply moved by all the letters of sympathy she had received. 她說她為收到的所有慰問信所深深打動。

    • It was such a sad film that it moved him to tears (= made him cry). 這部電影十分傷感,令他落淚。

  • 6 to sell -- 賣掉,使脫手

    • No one wants to buy these toys - we just can't move them. 沒有人想買這些玩具——根本就賣不出去。

    • This new shampoo is moving really fast. 這種新洗髮水十分暢銷。

  • 7 to spend time with people -- 進行社交活動;交往

  • 8 to suggest something, especially formally at a meeting or in a law court -- (在會議上)提出;提議;(向法庭)提出請求,申請

    • A vote was just about to be taken when someone stood up and said that they wished to move an amendment. 正要開始表決時,有人站起來說他們想提出修正案。

    • [ + that ] I move that the proposal be accepted. 我提議接受這項建議。

    • Your Honour, we wish to move for dismissal of the charges. 尊敬的法官大人,我們請求駁回這些指控。

  • 9 (used especially by doctors and nurses) to pass the contents of the bowels out of the body -- (尤為醫護人員用語)(使)(腸道)排泄糞便

  • 10 an act of moving -- 動;動作;移動

    • She held the gun to his head and said, "One move and you're dead!" 她把槍口緊貼在他的頭上,說:「敢動一下你就沒命。」

    • I hate the way my boss watches my every move (= watches everything I do). 我討厭老闆總是監視我的一舉一動。

    • It takes a long time to learn all the moves in chess. 要學會棋子的各種走法需要花很長時間。

    • It's your move. 該你走棋了。

  • 11 an occasion when you go to live or work in a different place -- 搬家;遷移

    • We've had four moves in three years. 我們三年間搬了四次家。

  • 12 an action taken to achieve something -- 行動;步驟;措施





  • 中文简体

    改变位置, (使)改变位置,动, (使)移动…

  • Español

    mover(se), mudarse, emocionar…

  • Português

    mover(-se), mexer(-se), mudar…

  • 日本語

    (物)が動く, (物)を動かす, (人)が引っ越す…

  • Türk dili

    taşınmak, yer değiş(tir)mek, hareket et(tir)mek…

  • Français

    bouger, déplacer, évoluer…

  • Catalan

    moure(‘s), traslladar-se, emocionar…

  • العربية

    يَنْقِل, يَتَحَرَّك, يَتَأثَّر…








