
  • En [ teɪk]
  • Us [ teɪk]


  • 0 to remove something, especially without permission -- 拿;奪取;取走

    • Has anything been taken (= stolen)? 丟了甚麼東西嗎?

    • Here's your pen - I took it by mistake. 你的筆在這裡,我拿錯了。

    • All her possessions had been taken from her. 她所有財產都被剝奪了。

    • If you take 4 (away) from 12 you get 8. 12減4得8。

  • 1 to move something or someone from one place to another -- 拿走,帶走

  • 2 to accept or have -- 接受,接納;收受

    • Do they take credit cards here? 他們這裡接受信用卡嗎?

    • Do you take milk in your coffee? 你茶裡要放牛奶嗎?

    • This container will take (= has room for) six litres. 這種容器容量為六升。

    • UK Which newspaper do you take (= regularly buy)? 你常買哪種報紙?

    • He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it. 他不斷辱罵她,而她只坐在那裡默默忍受。

    • If you think I'm going to take that lying down (= accept it without complaining), you're very much mistaken. 如果你認為我會甘心忍受一切,那你就大錯特錯了。

    • I take the/your point (= accept the argument), but I still don't think you should have gone. 我接受你的辯解,可我還是認為你原本就不應該去。

    • I've been very busy recently. Take last week, I had meetings every night after work, except Friday. 我最近忙得不亦樂乎。就拿上星期來說,除了星期五,我每天晚上下班以後都要開會。

    • [ + to infinitive ] These creatures are generally taken to be descended from primitive fishes. 這些生物通常被認為是從原始魚類演變而來的。

    • I could have taken him for (= believed that he was) your brother. 我差點把他當成了你的兄弟。

    • I'm not going to forge his signature for you! What do you take me for? (= You should not believe I could do a thing like that.) 我不會幫你偽造他的簽名的!你把我當成甚麼人了?

    • I can't take it any more. I'm leaving. 我再也無法忍受。我要走了。

    • That's my final offer - you can take it or leave it. 那是我最後的報價——接不接受由你。

  • 3 to move in order to hold something in the hand(s) -- 手執,握住,抓住

    • Can you take this bag while I open the door? 我開門的時候你幫我拿一下袋子,好嗎?

    • He took my arm and led me outside. 他拉住我的手臂,領我到門外。

    • Take an egg and break it into the bowl. 拿一個雞蛋打在碗裡。

    • He took hold of the plant's root and pulled. 他抓住植物的根部往上拔。

  • 4 to go somewhere with someone, often paying for that person or being responsible for them -- 帶(某人)去(某地)

  • 5 to travel somewhere by using a particular form of transport or a particular vehicle, route, etc. -- 搭乘(交通工具)

    • I always take the train - it's less hassle than a car. 我總是乘火車——乘火車比開車省事。

    • She took the 10.30 flight to Edinburgh. 她搭十點半的飛機去愛丁堡。

    • If you take the road on the left, you'll come to the post office. 走左邊的路就能到郵局。

  • 6 to need -- 要求,需要

  • 7 to measure something -- 測量

  • 8 to swallow or use a medicine or drug, especially in a regular way -- 口服,服用(藥品)

  • 9 to do or perform -- 從事,進行

    • Shelley is taking (= studying) economics at university. 謝莉在大學唸經濟學。

    • UK The Archbishop took our service of thanksgiving. 大主教為我們主持了感恩祈禱儀式。

    • UK Mr Marshall takes us for (= teaches us) physics. 馬歇爾先生教我們物理。

    • I think we'll take a break (= we'll stop for a break) there. 我想我們將在那裡休息一會兒。

    • If you're tired you should take a rest (= you should rest). 如果累了,你就應該休息一下。

    • I always like to take a walk (= to walk) after lunch. 午飯後,我總喜歡散散步。

  • 10 to think about something or someone in a particular way -- (以某一種特殊方式)思考,考慮

  • 11 to understand something in a particular way -- (以特定方式)理解

    • I was just teasing him, but he took it the wrong way. 我不過是逗逗他,但他卻領會錯了。

    • I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. 我不知道應該把這當作是恭維呢還是羞辱。

    • She gave a nod, which we took to mean that she agreed. 她點了一下頭,我們認為這就是說她同意了。

  • 12 to have or come to have a particular feeling or opinion -- (在思想上)產生,形成;感受到

  • 13 to receive money from sales or as payment for entrance to an event -- 收取,收入

    • The show took an astonishing $100,000 in its first week. 這場演出第一個星期的收入就高達十萬美元。

  • 14 to get possession of something or someone -- 奪取,攻取

    • Rebels ambushed the train and took several prisoners. 叛亂者伏擊火車,俘虜了一些人。

    • The Liberals need just 200 more votes to take the seat from Labour. 自由黨只需再獲得200票,就可以從工黨手中奪過該席位。

    • With these wins, the Democrats have now taken the House back from the Republicans. 在贏得這些席位之後,民主黨從共和黨手中把議會控制權奪了回來。

    • Centre-left parties look set to take power. 中間偏左的黨派看來很可能要掌權。

    • Adam, I'd like you to take control of the aircraft now. 亞當,我想現在讓你來操控飛機。

  • 15 to write -- 寫;記錄

    • I hope you're all taking notes. 我希望你們都在記筆記。

  • 16 to work or perform as expected -- 起作用;奏效,顯出效果

    • These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil. 這些新植物長得不好——它們不適應這種乾燥的土壤。

  • 17 money that is received from sales or as payment for entrance to an event -- 收取,收入

    • The box office take was huge for the new show. 這次新演出的票房收入很可觀。

  • 18 the filming of a scene (= small part of a film) -- (電影)一個鏡頭的拍攝

    • This scene needed ten takes before we felt it was right. 電影裡的這個鏡頭,我們拍了十次才滿意。





  • 中文简体

    移开, 拿, 夺取…

  • Español

    llevar, coger, hacer…

  • Português

    levar, pegar, fazer…

  • 日本語

    ~を持って行く, 携帯する, ~を連れて行く…

  • Türk dili

    almak, götürmek, biriyle gitmek…

  • Français

    emmener, emporter, prendre…

  • Catalan

    portar, agafar, fer…

  • العربية

    يَأخُذ, يَركَب, يؤدّي امتِحانا…








