
  • En [ miːn]
  • Us [ miːn]


  • 0 to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact -- 意思是;意味著

    • What does this word mean? 這個詞是甚麼意思?

    • [ + that ] These figures mean that almost six percent of the working population is unemployed. 這些數字意味著近6%的勞動人口處於失業狀態。

    • What do you mean by that remark? 你那句話是甚麼意思?

    • She's kind of strange though. Do you know what I mean? 可是她有點怪。你明白我指甚麼嗎?

    • "They all showed up." "You mean the entire family?"

    • I want you home by midnight. And I mean midnight. 我要你午夜前回家,記住是午夜。

    • Give it back now! I mean it. 現在就把它還了!我是說真的。

  • 1 to have a particular result -- 意味著;結果是

  • 2 to intend -- 有意,打算

    • I'm sorry if I offended you - I didn't mean any harm. 如果冒犯了你我很抱歉——我並無惡意。

    • The books with large print are meant for partially sighted readers. 這些大號字體書籍是為視力有障礙的讀者而設的。

    • [ + to infinitive ] I've been meaning to call you all week. 我整個星期都想著要打電話給你。

    • Do you think she meant to say 9 a.m. instead of 9 p.m.? 你認為她是想說上午9點而不是晚上9點嗎?

    • They didn't mean for her to read the letter. 他們並不想讓她讀那封信。

    • These batteries are meant to last for a year. 這些電池應該能用一年。

    • This exercise isn't meant to be difficult. 這個練習不會很難。

    • We were meant to have gone away this week, but Debbie's ill so we couldn't go. 這週我們本該要走,但是戴比病了,所以我們走不了。

    • You are meant to rub the medicine on the affected area, not swallow it. 你應該把藥抹在受感染部位,而不是吞服。

  • 3 to have an important emotional effect on someone -- 對…具有意義,對…具有重大影響

    • It wasn't a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me. 這不是一幅很貴重的畫,但對我卻很重要。

    • Possessions mean nothing to him. 財富對他來說毫無意義。

  • 4 not willing to give or share things, especially money -- 吝嗇的,小氣的

    • He's too mean to buy her a ring. 他太吝嗇了,捨不得買一枚戒指給她。

    • My landlord's very mean with the heating - it's only on for two hours each day. 我的房東對使用暖氣很吝嗇——每天只開兩個小時。

  • 5 unkind or unpleasant -- 卑鄙的;刻薄的

    • Stop being so mean to me! 別對我那麼刻薄!

    • She just said it to be mean. 她那麼說就是為了讓人不悅。

  • 6 frightening and likely to become violent -- 兇惡的;氣勢洶洶的

    • a mean and angry mob 一群氣勢洶洶、激動憤怒的暴民

    • a mean-looking youth 一個面相很兇的年輕人

  • 7 very good -- 極好的,出色的

    • She's a mean piano player. 她是個出色的鋼琴演奏家。

    • She plays a mean piano (= she plays very well). 她鋼琴彈得很棒。

  • 8 poor, dirty, and of bad quality -- 貧窮;骯髒;劣質

    • He was born in the mean streets of Detroit in 1945. 他1945年出生在底特律的貧民區。

  • 9 a mean number is an average number -- (數值)平均的

    • a mean value 平均值

    • Their mean weight was 76.4 kilos. 他們的平均體重是76.4公斤。

  • 10 the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts -- (數學上的)平均數,平均值

    • The mean of 5, 4, 10, and 15 is 8.5. 5,4,10和15的平均數是8.5。

  • 11 a quality or way of doing something that is in the middle of two completely different qualities or ways of doing something -- 中間;中庸;適度





  • 中文简体

    表达, 意思是, 意味着…

  • Español

    significar, dar lugar a, querer decir…

  • Português

    significar, querer dizer, duro…

  • 日本語

    ~を意味する, ~をもたらす, ~と(意味して)言う…

  • Türk dili

    demek, anlamına gelmek, demek istemek…

  • Français

    signifier, vouloir dire, avoir l’intention de…

  • Catalan

    significar, comportar, voler dir…

  • العربية

    يَعْني, يُؤَدّي إلى, يَقصُد…








