
  • En [ kɔːl]
  • Us [ kɑːl]


  • 0 to give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name -- 給…取名,給…命名;稱呼

    • They've called the twins Edward and Thomas. 他們給雙胞胎取名為愛德華和湯瑪斯。

    • What's that actor called that we saw in the film last night? 我們昨晚在電影裡看到的那個演員叫甚麼名字?

    • His real name is Jonathan, but they've always called him Johnny. 他的真名叫喬納森,但他們總是叫他「強尼」。

    • What's her new novel called? 她的新小說叫甚麼名字?

    • I wish he wouldn't keep calling me "dear" - it's so patronizing! 我希望他不要老是叫我「親愛的」——太居高臨下了!

    • Tom's worried that if he wears glasses at school the other children will call him names. 湯姆擔心如果他在學校戴眼鏡會被其他孩子取笑。

  • 1 to use a phone to talk to someone -- 打電話

    • He called (you) last night when you were out. 昨晚你不在時,他(給你)打過電話。

    • She called (me) this morning at the office and we had a brief chat. 今天早上她打電話到我的辦公室,我們簡短地閒聊了一會兒。

    • I've been calling all morning but I can't get through. 我整個早上都在打電話,可是沒打通。

    • Do you think we should call the police? 你覺得我們應該報警嗎?

  • 2 to consider someone or something to be -- 稱…為;把…看作

    • He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends. 他認識很多人,但他稱之為親密朋友的只有一兩個。

    • One sandwich and a lettuce leaf - I don't call that a meal! 一個三明治和一片生菜葉——我可不覺得那算是一頓飯!

    • I'm not calling you a liar - I'm just suggesting that you misunderstood the facts of the situation. 我沒說你在撒謊——我只是提醒一下,你誤解了實際情形。

    • I don't aspire to anything very grand - I just want a place I can call my own. 我不奢望特別華麗的東西——我只想擁有一個屬於我自己的地方。

  • 3 to say something in a loud voice, especially in order to attract someone's attention, or (of animals) to make a loud, high sound, especially to another animal -- 叫,呼喊;呼叫;(動物)鳴叫

    • Someone in the crowd called (out) his name. 人群中有人大聲叫(出)他的名字。

    • Did you call? 是你在叫嗎?

    • [ + speech ] "Hey, you! Come over here!" she called. 「嗨,你!到這裡來!」她叫道。

    • The blackbird called to its mate. 烏鶇呼喚它的配偶。

    • She called for order/called the meeting to order. 她要求會場安靜下來。

  • 4 to ask someone to come to you -- 叫來;召,召喚

    • She called me over to where she was sitting. 她把我叫到了她坐著的地方。

    • I keep the bedroom door open in case the children call (for) me in the night. 我讓臥室門開著,以防孩子晚上叫我。

    • I was called to an emergency meeting this morning. 我今早被叫去參加一個緊急會議。

    • At school she was always being called into the headteacher's office. 在學校時,她總是被叫到校長辦公室去。

  • 5 to visit someone, especially for a short time -- (尤指短暫的)拜訪,造訪

    • The electrician must have called (round) this morning when we were out - there's a note on the door mat. 今天上午我們出去的時候電工一定來過了——門墊上留了張字條。

  • 6 to decide officially to have a particular event or take particular action -- 決定召開(或舉行)

  • 7 the act of using the phone -- 通話;打電話

    • I got a call from an old college friend last night. 昨晚我接到了一位大學老友的電話。

    • If there are any calls for me, could you write them down next to the phone? 如果有我的電話,你能在電話旁記一下嗎?

    • I've just got a couple of calls to make. 我正要打幾個電話。

    • That decorator you called about painting the house - did he ever return your call? 為粉刷房子的事你打電話找的那個油漆工——他給你回過電話了嗎?

    • The radio station received a lot of calls complaining about the show's bad language. 廣播電臺接到很多電話,投訴那個節目用語汙穢。

    • Before six o'clock, calls are charged at peak rate. 六點之前,撥打電話按高峰費率收費。

  • 8 the sound an animal makes or the sound of someone shouting something -- 叫聲;呼喊,呼叫;(動物的)鳴叫聲

    • The whale has a very distinctive call. 鯨的叫聲很特別。

    • She could hear calls for help from inside the burning building. 她聽到從燃燒的大樓裡傳出的呼救聲。

    • I'll be in the next room, so give me a call if you need any help. 我會在隔壁房間,需要幫助就叫我。

  • 9 the fact of people wanting or needing a particular thing -- 需求,需要

  • 10 a short visit, especially an official one made by someone whose job is connected with health -- (尤指正式的)短暫拜訪;(通常指醫療從業者的)出診

    • Doctor Seward is out on a call this morning. 蘇厄德醫生今天上午出診去了。

    • The nurse has got a few calls to make this afternoon. 護士今天下午有幾次出診。

    • old-fashioned I thought I'd pay a call on (= visit) an old friend of mine this weekend. 我想這個週末去拜訪一位老朋友。

  • 11 a decision -- 決定,抉擇

    • It was a tough call, but eventually I decided to give up my job. 儘管做這個決定很難,但我最終還是決定辭職。

    • More investment? That's got to be your call - you're the one that's paying! 增加投資?這該由你來決定——畢竟你是付款人。





  • 中文简体

    名字, 给…取名,给…命名, 称呼…

  • Español

    llamar, gritar, llamada…

  • Português

    chamar, ligar (para), chamada telefônica…

  • 日本語

    ~に電話する, 叫ぶ, ~と名づける…

  • Türk dili

    birine belli bir isim vermek, o isimle çağırmak, birini…

  • Français

    appeler, qualifier de, faire venir…

  • Catalan

    trucar (a), cridar, dir…

  • العربية

    يَتَّصِل بـِ (هاتِفيّا), يُنادي عَلى, يَدْعو…








