call Signification, définition

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Signification de call en français

  • 0 to contact using a telephone -- appeler

    • I’ll call you tomorrow. Je t’appellerai demain.

    • Don’t forget to call! N’oublie pas d’appeler !

    • For help please call the number below. Pour recevoir de l’aide, veuillez appeler le numéro ci-dessous.

    • to call an ambulance/a taxi appeler une ambulance / un taxi

  • 1 to describe sth in a particular way -- appeler

    • They called the results “pitiful.” Ils ont qualifié ces résultats de “pitoyables”.

    • I wouldn’t really call 70 degrees hot. 20 degrés, ce n’est pas ce que j’appellerais chaud.

  • 2 to order sb to come -- appeler

    • They called her into the office. Ils l’ont fait venir dans le bureau.

    • officers called to testify in the Senate des officiers appelés à témoigner au Sénat

  • 3 to give sb or sth a name -- appeler

    • My name is Katherine, but you can call me Kate. Mon nom est Katherine mais vous pouvez m’appeler Kate.

    • What do you call that stuff on the ceiling? Comment appelles-tu ce truc au plafond ?

  • 4 to arrange or organize -- organiser

    • to call a meeting/strike organiser une réunion/grève

  • 5 to say or speak loudly -- appeler

    • Raise your hand when I call out your name. Levez la main quand j’appelle votre nom.

    • He heard his mother calling. Il a entendu sa mère l’appeler.

  • 6 to decide to stop an activity -- ça suffit

    • We’ve been working hard – let’s call it a day. Nous avons travaillé dur, ça suffit.

  • 7 to use unkind words to describe sb -- injurier

    • The other kids teased her and called her names. Les autres enfants l’ont taquinée et insultée.

  • 8 an instance of using the telephone to talk to sb -- appel [ masculine ]

    • I just have to make a phone call. Je dois juste passer un coup de téléphone.

    • a quick call to the office un appel rapide au bureau

    • Give us a call tonight. Appelez-nous ce soir.

    • We haven’t returned her call yet. Nous ne l’avons pas encore rappelée.

    • a local/long-distance call un appel local / longue distance

  • 9 a public demand that sth happen -- demande [ feminine ]

    • calls for his resignation des appels à sa démission

  • 10 a sound of an animal or bird -- cri [ masculine ]

    • the blue jay’s screeching call le cri strident du geai bleu

  • 11 a loud shout -- appel [ masculine ]

    • calls for help des appels à l’aide

  • 12 indicates you think sth is not appropriate -- pas de / aucune raison pour qqch / de faire qqch

    • There’s no call for yelling like that. Il n’y a aucune raison de hurler comme ça

  • 13 required to go to work if you are called -- de service

    • There are two doctors on call tonight. Il y a deux médecins de service cette nuit.

  • 14 to give a name to -- appeler

    • My name is Alexander, but I’m called Sandy by my friends.

  • 15 to regard (something) as -- appeler

  • 16 to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc -- appeler

    • Call everyone over here

    • She called louder so as to get his attention.

  • 17 to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc) -- convoquer

  • 18 to make a visit -- passer

  • 19 to telephone -- téléphoner à

  • 20 (in card games) to bid. -- annoncer, demander

  • 21 an exclamation or shout -- appel

  • 22 the song of a bird -- cri

  • 23 a (usually short) visit -- visite

    • The teacher made a call on the boy’s parents.

  • 24 the act of calling on the telephone -- coup de fil

  • 25 (usually with the) attraction -- appel

    • the call of the sea.

  • 26 a demand -- demande

    • There’s less call for coachmen nowadays.

  • 27 a need or reason -- besoin, raison

    • You’ve no call to say such things!

Plus de définitions de call

Exemples de call

  • So, if you like, you can move on to the bioethics debate, but please call my report after that.

  • They are permitted three telephone calls and one shower a week.

  • You lose one referendum so you call another to get the result you want.

  • It is almost impossible to monitor and call to account the movement of radioactive material.

  • I should like to call on them to cooperate.

  • A call for proposals will be published soon.

  • We are therefore continuing to call for the notice to be withdrawn.

  • I call for the principles of loyal cooperation and non-discrimination to be respected.

Plus Exemples de call

Traductions de call dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    名字, 給…取名,給…命名, 稱呼…

  • 中文简体

    名字, 给…取名,给…命名, 称呼…

  • Español

    llamar, gritar, llamada…

  • Português

    chamar, ligar (para), chamada telefônica…

  • 日本語

    ~に電話する, 叫ぶ, ~と名づける…

  • Türk dili

    birine belli bir isim vermek, o isimle çağırmak, birini…

  • Catalan

    trucar (a), cridar, dir…

  • العربية

    يَتَّصِل بـِ (هاتِفيّا), يُنادي عَلى, يَدْعو…

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