name Signification, définition

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Signification de name en français

  • 0 the word or words that sb or sth is called -- nom [ masculine ]

    • “What’s your name?” “David Martin.” “Quel est votre nom ?” “David Martin.”

    • I forget the name of the town. J’oublie le nom de la ville.

    • Scientists have not given the new bacteria a name yet. Les scientifiques n’ont pas encore donné un nom à la nouvelle bactérie.

    • She called each person by name. Elle a appelé chaque persone par son nom.

    • an insurance policy in the name of Katherine Hollis une police d’assurance au nom de Katherine Hollis

    • a bank account in my name un compte bancaire à mon nom

    • They made a reservation under the name of “Smith.” Ils ont fait une réservation sous le nom de “Smith”.

  • 1 a well-known or famous person or thing -- nom [ masculine ]

    • some of the biggest names in Hollywood quelques uns des grands noms d’Hollywood

    • In two years the company has become a household name. En deux ans, l’entreprise est devenue très connue.

  • 2 [ singular ] sb’s reputation -- réputation [ feminine ]

    • He felt they had destroyed his name. Il sentit qu’ils avaient détruit leur réputation.

  • 3 the most important aspect -- le but du jeu

    • Fun, not winning, is the name of the game in this event. S’amuser et non pas gagner et le but du jeu dans cet événement.

  • 4 to give sb or sth a name -- nommer

    • They named the puppy Polly. Ils ont appelé le chiot Polly.

  • 5 to identify sb using their name -- nommer

    • He named two top officials as the source of the information. Il a cité deux fonctionnaires haut placés comme étant la source de l’information.

  • 6 to state specifically what sth is -- indiquer

    • Name the price, and you can have it! Fixez-en le prix et vous pouvez l’avoir !

    • They have ales, lagers, white beers, just to name a few. Ils ont des bières, des bières blondes, des bières blanches, pour ne citer que celles-là.

  • 7 to choose sb for a reward or official position -- nommer

    • The President named him to the Supreme Court. Le président l’a nommé à la cour suprême.

  • 8 indicates there are many possibilities -- tout ce qu’on veut

    • You name it, they sell it. Ils vendent tout ce qu’on veut.

  • 9 a word by which a person, place or thing is called -- nom

    • My name is Rachel

    • She knows all the flowers by name.

  • 10 reputation; fame -- réputation

  • 11 to give a name to -- nommer

    • They named the child Thomas.

  • 12 to speak of or list by name -- nommer

    • He could name all the kings of England.

Plus de définitions de name

Exemples de name

  • This should appear in the list of ingredients in brackets immediately after the name of the ingredient concerned.

  • The persistent blockages, in the name of intellectual and industrial property, are criminal and unacceptable in this respect.

  • It is our political and institutional duty, in the name of democracy, human rights and the values of freedom.

  • The name chosen by the government coalition is certainly no coincidence.

  • It has to have its own, distinct name.

  • Naturally, we need bilateral police cooperation worthy of the name.

  • However, such protection can only be afforded if every child has its own passport with its biometric data and the names of its guardians.

  • We also agree that the name of the producer should be shown, and possibly the name of the seller.

Plus Exemples de name

Traductions de name dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    名字,名稱, 名譽,名聲, 名人…

  • 中文简体

    名字,名称, 名誉,名声, 名人…

  • Español

    nombre, llamar, nombrar…

  • Português

    nome, título, dar nome a…

  • 日本語

    名前, ~を~と名づける, (人、物など)の名前を挙げる…

  • Türk dili

    ad, isim, isim vermek…

  • Catalan

    nom, anomenar…

  • العربية

    اِسْم, يُسَمّي…

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