name Significado & definición

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Significado de name en español

  • 0 the word or group of words that is used to refer to a person, thing, or place -- nombre

  • 1 to give someone or something a name -- llamar

  • 2 to say what the name of someone or something is -- nombrar

  • 3 the word or words that sb or sth is called -- nombre [ masculine, singular ]

    • “What’s your name?” “David Martin.” “¿Cuál es tu nombre?” “David Martin”.

    • I forget the name of the town. Me olvidé del nombre del pueblo.

    • Scientists have not given the new bacteria a name yet. Los científicos aún no han dado un nombre a la nueva bacteria.

    • She called each person by name. Ella llamó a cada persona por el nombre.

    • an insurance policy in the name of Katherine Hollis una póliza de seguro en nombre de Katherine Hollis

    • a bank account in my name una cuenta bancaria a mi nombre

    • They made a reservation under the name of “Smith.” Hicieron una reserva bajo el nombre de “Smith”.

  • 4 a well-known or famous person or thing -- nombre [ masculine, singular ]

    • some of the biggest names in Hollywood algunos de los nombres más importantes de Hollywood

    • In two years the company has become a household name. En dos años la compañía se ha convertido en un nombre familiar

  • 5 sb’s reputation -- renombre [ masculine, singular ]

    • He felt they had destroyed his name. Él sintió que habían destruido su nombre.

  • 6 the most important aspect -- quid de la cuestión

    • Fun, not winning, is the name of the game in this event. Gracioso, no ganar, es el quid de la cuestión en este evento.

  • 7 to give sb or sth a name -- llamar

    • They named the puppy Polly. Llamaron a la perrita Polly.

  • 8 to identify sb using their name -- mencionar

    • He named two top officials as the source of the information. Él mencionó a dos altos funcionarios como fuente de la información.

  • 9 to state specifically what sth is -- decir

    • Name the price, and you can have it! Di el precio, ¡y es todo tuyo!

    • They have ales, lagers, white beers, just to name a few. Tienen ales, cervezas rubias, cervezas de trigo, por decir unas cuantas.

  • 10 to choose sb for a reward or official position -- elegir

    • The President named him to the Supreme Court. El presidente lo eligió al Tribunal Supremo.

  • 11 indicates there are many possibilities -- lo que se te ocurra

    • You name it, they sell it. Lo que se te ocurra, lo venden.

Más definiciones de name

Ejemplos de name

  • I think that if core labour standards are not given a name, we will forget them, and they will cease to exist.

  • For the first time in an official report those responsible for using child soldiers were named.

  • Anything you care to name is on there.

  • This effort must be brought to fruition in all spheres, including external policy, to name but one.

  • I shall not hesitate in naming it publicly here.

  • They should publish the names of people with whom they have had official meetings in the course of their work.

  • Unfortunately, almost all these good intentions have names which are difficult to pronounce.

  • I also believe that up until this happens, the negotiations on the name issue will progress and relations with neighbouring countries will get better.

Más ejemplos de name

Traducciones de name en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    名字,名稱, 名譽,名聲, 名人…

  • 中文简体

    名字,名称, 名誉,名声, 名人…

  • Português

    nome, título, dar nome a…

  • 日本語

    名前, ~を~と名づける, (人、物など)の名前を挙げる…

  • Türk dili

    ad, isim, isim vermek…

  • Français

    nom [masculine], réputation [feminine], nommer…

  • Catalan

    nom, anomenar…

  • العربية

    اِسْم, يُسَمّي…

Más traducciones de name