top Signification, définition

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Signification de top en français

  • 0 the highest part of sth -- sommet [ masculine ]

    • at the top of the ladder en haut de l’échelle

    • Run up to the top of the hill. Cours jusqu’au sommet de la colline.

  • 1 the upper surface of sth -- dessus [ masculine ]

    • on the top of the table sur le dessus de la table

  • 2 a lid of a container -- couvercle [ masculine ]

    • Screw the top on tight. Vissez bien le couvercle.

  • 3 an item of clothing for the upper body -- top [ masculine ]

  • 4 the most important position or highest rank -- la tête

    • at the top of the business agenda en tête de liste sur son agenda de travail

    • He’ll work hard until he reaches the very top. Il travaillera dur jusqu’à ce qu’il atteigne le sommet même / le tout premier rang.

  • 5 completely -- complètement

    • I’ve searched the house from top to bottom and still can’t find it. J’ai fouillé la maison de fond en comble et je n’ai même pas pu le trouver.

  • 6 from memory or without thinking first -- de mémoire

  • 7 in the lead -- en tête

    • on top in the music charts en tête des hit-parades

  • 8 on the highest part of -- sur le dessus de

    • a box on top of the dresser une boîte sur le dessus du buffet

    • We all had to pay another $50 on top of the original price. Nous avons tous dû payer 50$ en plus du prix initial.

    • I’m trying to keep on top of my school work. J’essaie de rester à jour dans mon travail scolaire.

    • on top of the world after she agreed to marry him aux anges, après qu’elle a accepté de l’épouser

  • 9 extremely happy -- aux anges

    • on top of the world after she agreed to marry him aux anges, après qu’elle a accepté de l’épouser

  • 10 best, most successful, most important, etc. -- meileur/-e

    • one of the country’s top gymnasts l’un des meilleurs gymnastes du pays

    • some top tips quelques uns des meilleurs tuyaux

    • our top priority notre principale priorité / priorité numéro un

  • 11 the highest part of anything -- haut, sommet, du haut

    • the top of the hill

    • the top of her head.

  • 12 the position of the cleverest in a class etc -- en tête (de)

    • He’s at the top of the class.

  • 13 the upper surface -- dessus

    • the table-top.

  • 14 a lid -- couvercle, bouchon

  • 15 a (woman’s) garment for the upper half of the body; a blouse, sweater etc -- haut

  • 16 having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class -- en tête (de)

    • He’s top (of the class) again.

  • 17 to cover on the top -- surmonter, recouvrir

  • 18 to rise above; to surpass -- dépasser

    • Our exports have topped $100,000.

  • 19 to remove the top of -- étêter

    • Top and tail the beans.

  • 20 a kind of toy that spins. -- toupie

Plus de définitions de top

Exemples de top

  • There is a great deal of interest there in overcoming this lack of a voice and the contradictions which characterise many policies at the top.

  • It was a top-down rather than a bottom-up process.

  • It is important that our products are safe, but we should not go over the top with extreme actions.

  • At the top of the list we have life, which is sacred, life and above all the embryo.

  • It is no surprise to find that pension funds come top of the list of priorities.

  • Relatively recent knowledge suggests that the lack of top predators, i.e. cod, has further worsened the algal blooms.

  • At the top there is a small village where you can buy food, water and "souvenirs".

  • Why was there no effort to ensure that those at the top of the salary scale paid their fair share?

Plus Exemples de top

Traductions de top dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    頂部, 頂, 頂端…

  • 中文简体

    顶部, 顶, 顶端…

  • Español

    parte de arriba, camiseta, tapón…

  • Português

    parte de cima, cume, topo…

  • 日本語

    頂点, 最上, 上半身に着る服…

  • Türk dili

    tepe, en üst/tepe, üst…

  • Catalan

    part de dalt, brusa, samarreta…

  • العربية

    أعلى, توبّ (لِباس يُغَطّي الجُزْء العِلْوي مِن جَسَد المَرْأة), غِطاء…

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