half Signification, définition

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Signification de half en français

  • 0 of an amount equal to one of two equal parts -- demi-

    • half a bottle of champagne une demi-bouteille de champagne

    • We waited a half hour. Nous avons attendu une demi-heure.

  • 1 the hardest part -- le plus dur

    • Getting my parents to agree was half the battle. Obtenir l’accord de mes parents était le plus dur à faire.

  • 2 much of the time, people, etc. -- les trois-quarts du temps/des gens/choses etc.

    • Half the things she bought were really ugly. Les trois-quarts des choses qu’elle a achetées étaient vraiment hideuses.

  • 3 one of two equal parts of sth -- moitié [ feminine ]

    • the first half of the year la première moitié de l’année

    • Half of the food was gone. La moitié de la nourriture avait disparu.

    • She gave me one of the halves of the apple. Elle m’a donné la moitié de la pomme.

    • The board had split in half. La planche s’est fendue en deux.

  • 4 in sports, one of two equal periods of a game -- mi-temps [ feminine ]

    • He scored 20 points in the first half. Il a marqué 20 points pendant la première mi-temps.

  • 5 30 minutes past the hour of one o’clock, two o’clock, etc. -- une heure / deux/ trois heures et demie, etc.

  • 6 partly -- à moitié

    • She’s half French. Elle est à moitié française.

    • I was half asleep. J’étais à moitié endormi.

    • The food was half gone. La nourriture avait à moitié disparu.

  • 7 much less good, pretty, etc. than -- loin d’être aussi bon/joli/facile, etc. que

    • This one wasn’t half as good as the last one. Celui-ci était loin d’être aussi bon que le dernier.

  • 8 one of two equal parts of anything -- moitié, demi

  • 9 one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them -- demie

    • Rangers scored three goals in the first half.

  • 10 being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something) -- demi

  • 11 being made up of two things in equal parts -- mi- (mi-)

  • 12 not full or complete -- demi-

  • 13 to the extent of one half -- à demi

  • 14 almost; partly -- à moitié

  • 15 -- demi

    • a half-dozen

    • a half-kilo of tea.

Plus de définitions de half

Exemples de half

  • For me, the glass is not half full: it is more than half empty.

  • So one would be justified in asking whether he was half-naked or half-dressed.

  • Many of you have mentioned seeing the glass as half-full or half-empty.

  • However, we are all of the opinion that the glass is half full, not half empty.

  • Illiteracy affected 84 % of the population whereas now over half of the population can read.

  • In the case of a five-year-old ship, for example, half the subsidy must be repaid.

  • These are the people who are really responsible for the sufferings of refugees over the last two and a half years.

  • For one and a half years, we have been looking on while two utterly unequal opponents wage war on each other.

Plus Exemples de half

Traductions de half dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    一半,半個, 大量,許多, 部分地,在某種程度上…

  • 中文简体

    一半,半个, 大量,许多, 部分地,在某种程度上…

  • Español

    mitad, la mitad de, medio…

  • Português

    metade, meio, a maior parte de…

  • 日本語

    半分, 2分の1, しばしば…

  • Türk dili

    yarısı, kısmen yarı, yarı yarıya…

  • Catalan

    meitat, la meitat de, mig…

  • العربية

    نِصْف, جِزئيًّا…

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