board Signification, définition

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Signification de board en français

  • 0 a flat piece of wood -- planche [ feminine ]

    • a two-foot board une planche de 60 cm

    • a chopping board une planche à découper

  • 1 a flat surface for playing a game -- plateau [ masculine ]

    • a chess board un échiquier

  • 2 a group of people who make decisions -- conseil [ masculine ]

    • the board of directors le conseil d’administration

    • the chairman of the board le président du conseil

    • members of the school board des membres du comité de gestion de l’école

  • 3 on a train, airplane, etc. -- à bord

    • 250 passengers on board 250 passagers à bord

  • 4 to fully consider -- prendre en compte

    • to take your suggestions on board prendre en compte votre suggestion

  • 5 to get on a boat, airplane, etc. -- monter à bord

    • Passengers boarded the plane by the rear doors. Les passagers sont montés à bord de l’avion par les portes arrière.

  • 6 (of boat, airplane, etc.) to take passengers onto -- embarquer

    • The flight will be boarding at 6.30 a.m. L’embarquement sur ce vol est à 6h30 du matin.

  • 7 a strip of timber -- planche

  • 8 a flat piece of wood etc for a special purpose -- panneau

  • 9 meals -- pension (complète)

  • 10 an official group of persons administering an organization etc -- conseil

    • the board of directors.

  • 11 to enter, or get on to (a vehicle, ship, plane etc) -- monter dansà bord de

    • This is where we board the bus.

  • 12 to live temporarily and take meals (in someone else’s house) -- être en pension chez

    • He boards at Mrs Taylor’s during the week.

Plus de définitions de board

Exemples de board

  • I support extending the period of reflection by one year, on the condition that we go back to the drawing board for a completely new treaty document.

  • In the meantime, our notice board and computer are going wrong.

  • The problem was that they did not show any independence of mind in challenging culpable business partners and the executive board.

  • The governing board also appointed the director, the chief executive officer of the joint undertaking.

  • In the case of public limited companies or private limited companies, the names of the investors and members of the management board must also be known.

  • Our main aim is to clarify the role of the governing board.

  • This will, in particular, allow the monitoring board to become operational early in 2009.

  • It is absolutely essential that there be representatives from the fishing industry on this board.

Plus Exemples de board

Traductions de board dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    木頭, (有特定用途的)薄木板, 板…

  • 中文简体

    木头, (有特定用途的)薄木板, 板…

  • Español

    pizarra, tablón, tablero…

  • Português

    lousa, quadro de avisos, tabuleiro…

  • 日本語

    (教室の)黒板, ホワイトボード, 掲示板…

  • Türk dili

    tahta, döşeme tahtası, levha…

  • Catalan

    pissarra, tauler d’anuncis, tauler…

  • العربية

    سَبُّورة, لَوْح, رُقعة…

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