turn Signification, définition

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Signification de turn en français

  • 0 to move your body or part of it, so that it faces a different way -- (se) tourner

    • She turned her head to look. Elle tourna la tête pour regarder.

    • Turn this way, so I can see you. Tournez-vous de ce côté, de façon à ce que je vous voie.

    • As I turned around, I tripped. Alors que je me retournais, j’ai trébuché.

  • 1 to move or be moved around a central point -- tourner

    • The wheels began to turn. Les roues se sont mises à tourner.

    • Turn the knob to “off.” Tournez le bouton sur “off”.

  • 2 to move sth so that it is in a different position -- retourner

    • She turned the painting around to look at the back. Elle a retourné le tableau pour regarder au dos.

  • 3 to move or travel in a different direction -- tourner

    • The car turned onto Maple Street. La voiture a tourné dans Maple Street.

    • He tried to turn the bus around in a tiny space. Il a tenté de faire faire demi-tour au bus dans un espace très réduit.

    • Turn right at the next light. Tournez à droite au prochain feu.

  • 4 to change to a different state -- tourner à

    • The mood turned angry after his speech. L’ambiance a tourné à la colère après son discours.

    • The light turned green. Le feu est passé au vert.

  • 5 to focus sth on sth new -- aller / se diriger vers

    • The media turned their attention to other news. Les médias dirigèrent leur attention vers d’autres nouvelles.

    • His thoughts turned to his family. Ses pensées allèrent à sa famille.

  • 6 to become a different age -- avoir

  • 7 to move a page to look at the next one -- tourner

    • She sat turning the pages of a magazine. Elle était assise, tournant les pages d’une revue.

  • 8 to stop being involved with sb or sth completely -- tourner la page

    • He turned his back on his family. Il a coupé les ponts avec sa famille.

  • 9 to pretend you do not know or see sth -- fermer les yeux

    • Prison officials turned a blind eye to the violence. Les fonctionnaires de la prison ont fermé les yeux sur la violence.

  • 10 to enter a new and better period in a process -- passer un cap critique

    • Better earnings may signal that the company has turned a corner. De meilleurs bénéfices pourraient indiquer que l’entreprise a passé un cap critique.

  • 11 the time when one member of a group is supposed to do sth according to an arranged order -- tour [ masculine ]

    • OK, it’s your turn to roll the dice. Ok, c’est ton tour de jeter les dés.

    • We all took turns playing on the computer. Nous avons tous joué à tour de rôle sur l’ordinateur.

  • 12 a movement in which sth turns -- mouvement [ masculine ]

    • a turn of his head un mouvement pour tourner la tête

    • The car made a right turn. La voiture pris un virage à droite.

  • 13 a place where a road turns or bends -- virage [ masculine ]

    • a sharp turn in the road un tournant brusque sur la route

    • Take the next turn on your right. Prends le prochain tournant sur ta droite.

  • 14 the action of turning sth around a central point -- tour [ masculine ]

    • one turn of the dial un tour du cadran

  • 15 a change in a situation -- tournure [ feminine ]

    • The economy took a turn for the worse. L’économie s’est aggravée.

    • In a sad turn of events, the horse died. Par une triste tournure des événements, le cheval est mort.

  • 16 happening in order -- à tour de rôle

    • Each person in turn expressed an opinion. Chaque personne exprima une opinion à tour de rôle.

    • This will create more jobs, which will, in turn, be better for the economy. Cela va créer davantage d’emplois, ce qui, à son tour, sera meilleur pour l’économie.

  • 17 the time around the beginning of a century -- tournant [ masculine ]

    • an art movement that began at the turn of the century un mouvement artistique qui a débuté au tournant du siècle

  • 18 to (make something) move or go round; to revolve -- tourner

    • The wheels turned

    • He turned the handle.

  • 19 to face or go in another direction -- (se) tourner

    • He turned and walked away

    • She turned towards him.

  • 20 to change direction -- tourner

  • 21 to direct; to aim or point -- tourner (vers)

  • 22 to go round -- tourner

  • 23 to (cause something to) become or change to -- (se) changer (en)

  • 24 to (cause to) change colour/color to -- (faire) devenir

  • 25 an act of turning -- tour

  • 26 a winding or coil -- spire

  • 27 (also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another -- tournant

    • Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.

  • 28 one’s chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people) -- tour

  • 29 one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it -- numéro

    • The show opened with a comedy turn.

Plus de définitions de turn

Exemples de turn

  • They have preferred to turn their backs on this legislation which affects life and the earth.

  • We want to turn the page on this long-standing dispute.

  • It is hard to say who was originally right or wrong, because the circle keeps turning.

  • But if liberalisation, the euro and the internal market do not have the desired effect, what can consumers turn to then?

  • We must turn our backs on global free trade, on unbridled, stateless liberalism, which will eventually reduce our populations to starvation.

  • The tobacco industry and tobacco growers have to realize that they will have to turn to alternative crops.

  • Let me deal with each of those reports in turn.

  • I therefore call, in turn, for the rejection of this postponement.

Plus Exemples de turn

Traductions de turn dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    轉動, (使)轉動, (使)旋轉…

  • 中文简体

    转动, (使)转动, (使)旋转…

  • Español

    girar, darse la vuelta, pasar…

  • Português

    (fazer) virar, virar-se, virar…

  • 日本語

    (~の方向に)曲がる, 方向転換する, 振り返る…

  • Türk dili

    dönmek, çevirmek, döndürmek…

  • Catalan

    girar, girar-se, passar…

  • العربية

    يَنْعَطِف, يَلِفّ, يَقْلِب الصَّفْحة…

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