look Signification, définition

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Signification de look en français

  • 0 to turn your eyes to see -- regarder

    • Look at that guy! Regardez ce type !

    • I looked quickly over at Jim. Il jeta un coup d’œil rapide à Jim.

    • If you look to the right, you’ll see the city’s first library. Si vous regardez vers la droite, vous verrez la première bibliothèque de la ville.

  • 1 to try to find -- regarder

    • He was looking for something in the drawer. Il cherchait quelque chose dans le tiroir.

    • Have you looked under the bed? As-tu regardé sous le lit ?

    • I’ll look to see if I have her number. Je vais regarder pour voir si j’ai son numéro.

    • people looking for work les personnes qui cherchent du travail

  • 2 to appear or seem to be -- avoir l’air

    • You look sad. Tu as l’air triste.

    • The watch looked expensive. Cette montre semble chère.

    • It looks certain that the price will rise again. Il semble certain que le prix va à nouveau augmenter.

    • The future looks good for business. L’avenir à l’air bon pour les affaires.

    • It looks like it might rain. On dirait qu’il va pleuvoir.

    • “What does she look like?” “Very tall with dark hair.” “De quoi a-t-elle l’air ?” “Très grande avec des cheveux foncés.”

    • They looked as if they’d been drinking. On aurait dit qu’ils avaient bu.

    • She looks just like her sister. Elle ressemblait trait pour trait à sa sœur.

  • 3 to face a particular direction -- être orienté/-ée vers

  • 4 emphasizes a statement you make during a disagreement -- écoute/-tez

    • Look, l just want to try to explain. Ecoute, je veux juste essayer de t’expliquer.

  • 5 to be considered acceptable/unacceptable by others -- faire bon / mauvais effet

  • 6 to say sth difficult or unpleasant directly to sb -- dire qqch en face à qqn

    • I can’t look her in the eye and tell her I lied. Je ne peux pas lui dire en face que j’ai menti.

  • 7 to pretend not to notice sth bad or illegal -- détourner les yeux

    • He paid no taxes, and the authorities looked the other way. Il n’a pas payé d’impôts et les autorités ont détourné les yeux.

  • 8 indicates a warning that there is danger -- Attention !

    • “Look out!” she said grabbing his arm. “Attention.” dit-elle en aggripant mon bras.

  • 9 used to give evidence to support an argument -- regarde/-ez

    • It won’t work. Look what happened to John when he tried it. Ça ne marchera pas. Regardez ce qui est arrivé à John quand il a essayé.

  • 10 an act of looking -- regard [ masculine ]

    • Take a look at that sunset! Regardez ce coucher de soleil.

    • a quick look at her sister un regard rapide à sa sœur

  • 11 the expression on sb’s face or in their eyes -- regard [ masculine ]

    • She gave him a nasty look. Elle lui a jeté un regard méchant.

    • I could see by the look on his face that he was excited. Je voyais à son air qu’il était excité.

    • a look of terror un regard de terreur

  • 12 the appearance or style of sth -- air [ masculine ]

    • The decor has a fifties look. Le décor a un air des années cinquante.

    • I don’t like the look of this guy. Je n’aime pas l’air qu’a ce type.

    • his good looks and charm sa beauté et son charme

  • 13 [ usually singular ] a careful examination -- examen [ masculine ]

    • The committee is taking a look at the problem. Le comité examine le problème.

  • 14 [ usually singular ] an act of searching -- coup [ masculine ] d’œil

    • Have a good look around your room. Jetez un bon coup d’œil dans votre chambre.

  • 15 to turn the eyes in a certain direction so as to see, to find, to express etc -- regarder

  • 16 to seem -- sembler, paraître

  • 17 to face -- donner (sur)

  • 18 the act of looking or seeing -- coup d’oeil, regard

    • Let me have a look!

  • 19 a glance -- regard

  • 20 appearance -- air

Plus de définitions de look

Exemples de look

  • We should not automatically assume that they are incompatible; the matter is being looked into.

  • This 100th anniversary should be an occasion for us, as women, to look back and take stock.

  • Therefore, if these rights are not acknowledged, it cannot stand aside and look the other way.

  • I find it simply shameful that we look the other way.

  • Finally, some will say that we are standing on the edge looking into the abyss.

  • What some may see as unnecessary today can look very different after another year has gone by.

  • The proposal may look complicated but it is dead simple.

  • We would do well to remember the old adage 'look before you leap'.

Plus Exemples de look

Traductions de look dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    看, 看,瞧,注視, 尋找…

  • 中文简体

    看, 看,瞧,注视, 寻找…

  • Español

    mirar, buscar, dar…

  • Português

    olhar, procurar, estar voltado para…

  • 日本語

    ~が見る, ~が探す, ~が~の方向を向く…

  • Türk dili

    bakmak, göz atmak, şöyle bir bakmak…

  • Catalan

    mirar, buscar, donar a…

  • العربية

    يَنْظُر إلى, يَبْحَث عَنْ, يَبدو…

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