
  • En [ lʊk]
  • Us [ lʊk]


  • 0 to direct your eyes in order to see -- 看,瞧,注视

    • Look! There's grandma. 瞧!奶奶在那里。

    • They looked at the picture and laughed. 他们看了看那幅画,笑了起来。

    • Look at all these toys on the floor. 瞧瞧地上这些玩具。

    • She looked up from her book and smiled at me. 她的视线从书本上移开,抬起头朝我笑了笑。

    • I looked out (of) the window. 我朝窗外望去。

    • Look over there - there's a rainbow! 看那里——有一道彩虹!

  • 1 to try to find something or someone -- 找,寻找,搜索

    • I'm looking for my keys. 我在找钥匙。

    • I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find my glasses. 我每个地方都找遍了,可就是没找到我的眼镜。

    • Have you looked in the dictionary? 你查字典了吗?

    • I looked down the list but couldn't see his name. 我查看了名单,但没找到他的名字。

  • 2 to appear or seem -- 看起来,似乎

    • You look well! 你看起来气色不错!

    • The roads look very icy. 这些路看起来很滑。

    • That dress looks nice on you. 你穿那条裙子很好看。

    • He has started to look his age (= appear as old as he really is). 他看上去开始显年纪了。

    • It's looking good (= things are going well). 事情进展顺利。

    • He looked (like) a friendly sort of person. 他看起来是那种很友善的人。

    • The twins look just like their mother. 那对双胞胎长得很像他们的母亲。

    • She looked as if/though she hadn't slept all night. 她看起来似乎整晚都没有睡觉。

    • It looks like rain (= as if it is going to rain). 看起来天要下雨了。

  • 3 to face a particular direction -- 朝���,面向

    • The garden looks south. 那个花园朝南。

    • This window looks out onto the lake. 这个窗户俯瞰着湖面。

  • 4 used when you are telling someone to be careful or to pay attention -- 小心,注意,留心

    • [ + question word ] Look where you're going! 小心看着点儿路!

    • Look at the time - we're late! 注意时间——我们已经晚了!

  • 5 to be planning to do something -- 计划做

    • I'm looking to start my own business. 我计划自己开公司。

  • 6 the act of looking at someone or something -- 看,注视

    • She gave him a look of real dislike. 她厌恶地看了他一眼。

    • Take a (good) look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone. 好好看看这张照片,看看能不能认出上面的什么人。

    • Can I have a look at your dictionary? 我能看看你的字典吗?

  • 7 the act of trying to find someone or something -- 寻找,搜索

    • I had another look for the watch, but couldn't find it. 我又找了一遍手表,但没有找到。

  • 8 an expression on someone's face -- 表情,神色,神情

    • She had a worried look about her. 她一脸焦急的神情。

    • She gave me a questioning look. 她疑惑地看着我。

    • The look this year will be relaxed and casual. 今年的时尚是放松随意。

    • They liked the look of the hotel, but it was too expensive. 他们很喜欢酒店的样子,只是价格太贵了。

    • I don't like the look of that fence (= it appears to have something wrong with it). 我不喜欢那道栅栏的样子。

    • I like her looks. 我喜欢她的相貌。

    • Her looks improved as she grew older. 年纪稍大一些后,她变得好看多了。

    • He put on weight and started to lose his looks. 他胖了,而且开始长得越来越难看了。

  • 9 used to express anger -- 看看吧;瞧(用于表达愤怒)

    • Look, I've already told you it's not possible. 看吧,我跟你说过这根本不可能。

    • old-fashioned Look here, I've had enough of this. 好了,我已经受够了。





  • 中文繁体

    看, 看,瞧,注視, 尋找…

  • Español

    mirar, buscar, dar…

  • Português

    olhar, procurar, estar voltado para…

  • 日本語

    ~が見る, ~が探す, ~が~の方向を向く…

  • Türk dili

    bakmak, göz atmak, şöyle bir bakmak…

  • Français

    regarder, chercher, avoir l’air…

  • Catalan

    mirar, buscar, donar a…

  • العربية

    يَنْظُر إلى, يَبْحَث عَنْ, يَبدو…








