
  • En [ laɪk]
  • Us [ laɪk]


  • 0 to enjoy or approve of something or someone -- 喜欢,喜爱

    • I like your new haircut. 我喜欢你的新发型。

    • Do you like fish? 你爱吃鱼吗?

    • I like it when a book is so good that you can't put it down. 我喜欢那种碰上好书时手不释卷的感觉。

    • I quite like wine but I could live without it. 我很喜欢喝酒,但没有酒我还是可以忍受的。

    • He's very well-liked (= popular) at work. 他在单位里人缘相当好。

    • I like the way he just assumes we'll listen to him when he doesn't take in a word anyone else says! (= I don't like it and it annoys me.) 他谁的话都听不进去,却以为我们大家都会听他的,对此我非常反感。

    • [ + -ing verb ] I don't like upsetting people. 我不喜欢搞得别人心烦意乱。

    • [ + to infinitive ] He likes to spend his evenings in front of the television. 他喜欢晚上看电视消磨时间。

    • [ + past participle ] He likes his steak well-done. 他喜欢吃熟透的牛排。

    • Like us on Facebook! 到脸书上为我们点赞吧!

    • More than 200 people liked my post. 超过200人为我的文章点赞了。

  • 1 used to say politely that you want something -- 想,想要,希望

  • 2 similar to; in the same way or manner as -- 像;与…相似,与…近似

    • He looks like his brother. 他长得像他哥哥。

    • She's very much like her mother (= she is similar in appearance or character). 她和她母亲非常像。

    • Is Japanese food like Chinese? 日本料理和中餐相似吗?

    • I've got a sweater just like that. 我有一件和那件一模一样的毛衣。

    • Her hair was so soft it was like silk. 她的头发如丝绸般柔顺。

    • You're acting like a complete idiot! 你的举动像个十足的白痴!

    • She sings like an angel! 她的歌声如天使一般!

    • Like I said (= as I have already said), I don't wear perfume. 我说过了,我不用香水。

    • Like most people (= as most people would), I'd prefer to have enough money not to work. 和大多数人一样,我喜欢能有足够的钱而不必去工作。

    • It feels/seems like (= it seems to me) ages since we last spoke. 我们好像很久没有说过话了。

    • There's nothing like a good cup of coffee (= it's better than anything)! 任何东西都比不了一杯好咖啡!

  • 3 in a way that suggests -- 好像,仿佛,似乎

    • It looks like I'm going to be in the office until late tonight. 看起来我得到深夜才能离开办公室了。

    • It looks like rain (= I think it is going to rain). 我看天要下雨了。

    • It sounds to me like you ought to change jobs. 听起来你似乎应该换个工作。

    • You look like you've just got out of bed! 你看起来好像刚刚起床!

    • not standard She acts like she's stupid! 她似乎总干傻事!

  • 4 typical or characteristic of -- 为…所特有的,符合…特点的

    • That's just like Maisie to turn up half an hour late to her own party! 梅茜就是这样的人,为她办聚会时她都要拖后半小时才露面!

    • It's not like you to be so quiet - are you all right, my love? 你平时没这么安静呀——亲爱的,你没事吧?

  • 5 such as -- 例如,诸如

  • 6 used before you describe how you were feeling or what you said when something happened to you -- (用于引出自己对已发生事件的感觉或想法)

    • Then I saw how late it was and I'm like, so upset. 然后我才明白已经很晚了,因此感觉特别沮丧。

    • He started shouting at me and I'm like, "What's your problem? I'm on your side!" 他开始朝我大喊大叫起来,于是我就问他:“你怎么回事?我是站在你这边的!”

  • 7 used in conversation as a pause or to emphasize an adjective -- (用于对话中表示停顿或强调形容词)

    • He's, like, really friendly - someone you can talk to. 他呀,真的非常友善——就是那种可以倾心交谈的人。

    • If there's nothing you can do to change the situation, it's like - why bother? 如果你无法改变这种局面,那么干吗去劳这个神呢?

  • 8 a person, thing, or group similar in character or quality to the one mentioned -- …之类

    • Boxing hasn't seen the likes of Muhammad Ali since he retired. 穆罕默德·阿里退役后,拳击运动就再也没有他那样的选手了。

    • He was a very great actor - we won't see his like again. 他是个非常了不起的演员——没有人能达到他那样的水平。

    • He described a superlative meal, the like of which he'd never eaten before. 他说那顿饭特别美味,他从未吃过如此好吃的饭。

    • They're competing with the likes of Microsoft. 他们在跟微软这样的公司竞争。

    • There's a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and such like. 那里有一个可供网球、羽毛球等比赛用的大型体育馆。

    • The star lists his likes as "my new Porsche, my girlfriend, and staying up all night." 这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。

    • They can't expect me to accommodate all their silly little likes and dislikes. 他们别指望我能容忍他们所有那些愚蠢可笑、无足轻重的个人好恶。

    • First-class travel is for rich people - it's not for the likes of us. 头等舱是供上层人士使用的——不是给我们这样的人准备的。

    • My new profile picture got 100 likes. 我的新头像图片得到了100个赞。

  • 9 to be likely to do something -- 可能会做

  • 10 like the thing mentioned -- 像…的,如…的





  • 中文繁体

    喜歡, 喜歡,喜愛, (在網路社群上)加讚…

  • Español

    parecido a, como, propio de…

  • Português

    como, próprio de, do feitio de…

  • 日本語

    ~に似た, ~のような, ~らしく…

  • Türk dili

    benzer, gibi, tam ona göre…

  • Français

    comme, qui ressemble à, tel/telle que…

  • Catalan

    com, com ara, propi de…

  • العربية

    يُشْبِه, مَثَلاً, عَلَى سَبيل المِثال…








