
  • En [ raɪt]
  • Us [ raɪt]


  • 0 correct -- 对的,正确的

    • You got three answers right and two wrong. 你答对了三道题,错了两道。

    • I set the clock to the right time. 我把表调准了。

    • "Is that Ms Kramer?" "Yes, that's right." “是克雷默女士吗?”“是的,我就是。”

    • Am I right in thinking (= is it true) that you will be at the conference? 你要去参加会议,是这么回事儿吧?

    • You're right to be annoyed - you've been treated very badly. 你生气是理所应当的——你受到的对待及不公平。

    • You must put matters right (= make the situation better) by telling the truth. 你必须说出实情,这样事情才会出现转机。

    • You were right about Pete - he's a real troublemaker. 你对皮特的看法没错——他的确只会制造麻烦。

  • 1 suitable or correct, or as it should be -- 合适的,恰当的;理想的;符合要求的

    • He's the right person for the job. 他是做这个工作的合适人选。

    • I think you've made the right decision. 我认为你作出的决定是恰当的。

    • The temperature of the swimming pool was just right (= exactly as I wanted it). 游泳池的水温正合适。

    • That hat looks just right on you. 那顶帽子你戴着再合适不过了。

    • He thought the time was right to let his intentions be known. 他认为公开自己意图的时机已经成熟。

    • She knows all the right people. 她认识所有的头面人物。

    • He likes to be seen in the right clubs and restaurants. 他喜欢让人看到他出入那些高级俱乐部和餐馆。

    • The lid has to go on the right way round or it won't fit. 盖子得放正,不然的话就盖不严。

    • Keep the bottle the right way up. 把瓶子放正了。

  • 2 considered fair or morally acceptable by most people -- 公正的;正当的;符合道德的;正义的

  • 3 healthy, or working correctly -- 健康的;正常的

    • I haven't felt right since I ate that meal last night. 昨晚自打我吃了那些东西,就一直感到很难受。

    • Something isn't quite right with the brakes on your bike. 你的自行车车闸不好用了。

  • 4 used for emphasizing when something is bad -- (强调非常糟糕)十足的

    • He's a right idiot. 他是个十足的白痴。

    • His house is a right mess. 他家里乱极了。

  • 5 on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north -- 右边的,右侧的;向右的;在右边;向右

  • 6 on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north -- 右侧地;向右地

    • Turn/Go right (= take the road on the right) at the first traffic lights. 在第一个红绿灯处向右转。

  • 7 exactly or all the way -- 正好,恰好;一直,径直

    • I've got a pimple right on the end of my nose. 一个粉刺正好长在我鼻尖上。

    • They built a row of hotels right along the sea-front. 他们沿着海岸修了一排宾馆。

    • The car ran right (= completely) out of fuel. 车把汽油彻底用光了。

    • She walked right (= all the way) past me without noticing me. 她跟我走了个面对面,可是没有注意到我。

    • I'll be right back/I'll be right with you (= I will return very soon). 我马上就回来。

    • You'd better leave right now. 你最好马上离开。

    • We're very busy right now. 我们现在很忙。

  • 8 used as part of the title of particular people, such as bishops and some members of Parliament -- (用于称呼主教、议员等)阁下

    • the Right Honourable Diane Abbott, MP 黛安‧阿伯特议员阁下

  • 9 correctly -- 对地,正确地

    • Why does he never do anything right? 为什么他老是做什么都做不对?

  • 10 If something goes right, it is successful or happens in a way that you hoped it would. -- 一切顺利;称心如意

    • Things haven't been going right for me these past few months. 最近这几个月,我过得不太顺利。

  • 11 the right side -- 右边;右面;右部

    • English is written and read from left to right. 英语是从左向右读写的。

    • King's Avenue is the first right (= the first road on the right side). 国王大道是右边的第一条道。

    • In this photo, my wife is the woman standing on/to my right. 在这张照片里,我妻子就是站在我右边的那个人。

    • US I took/made (informal hung) a right (= turned into the next road on the right side) after crossing the bridge. 我过桥后向右转。

  • 12 political parties or people that have traditional opinions, and that believe in low taxes, property, and industry being privately owned, and less help for the poor -- 右派政党;右派人士

    • The right was/were in power after 1979. 1979年以后,右派政党上台执政。

    • He's a man of the far (= extreme) right. 他是一个极右翼分子。

  • 13 what is considered to be morally good or acceptable -- 正义;公正;正当

    • Your conscience should tell you the difference between right and wrong. 凭你的良知应该能够分清是非。

    • She campaigned for women's rights during the 1960s. 20世纪60年代,她参加了争取妇女权利的运动。

    • Everyone has a right to education. 人人都享有受教育的权利。

    • She has no more right to a company car than I have (= she does not deserve one more than I do). 她并不比我更有权利要求公司配车。

    • [ + to infinitive ] You're not my boss, so what right (= authority) do you have to tell me what to do? 你又不是我的老板,你有什么资格批评我?

    • You have every right (= you have a good reason) to complain. 你完全有理由抱怨。

    • I think I'm quite within my rights to demand a full refund. 我认为我完全有权利要求全额退款。

    • He has acquired the film rights to the book (= he is allowed to make a film of the book). 他已经取得了将这本书拍成电影的制片权。

    • The company made a rights issue of one new share for every four held. 公司给予每四股现有股份认购一股的权利。

    • The company needs over a million dollars to set its finances to rights. 这家公司需要100多万美元才可以使其财务重回正常轨道。

  • 14 used to express agreement with someone or to show that you have understood what someone has said -- (表示同意或听懂别人说的话)好,行,对

    • "Johnny, you climb up first." "Right." “约翰尼,你打头,第一个爬。”“好的。”

    • Right, everyone. Could you all stop talking, and then we'll begin. 好了,各位。请不要再说话,我们就要开始了。

    • So there I was right, middle of the night, right, and this guy came up to me... “好啦,我就在那儿,半夜里,对吧,这家伙向我走了过来……”

  • 15 If you right a situation or a mistake, you make it better or correct it. -- 改正,纠正;使恢复正常

    • It's a terrible situation and we should right it as soon as possible. 这种局面太糟糕了,我们应当尽快使其恢复正常。

    • The canoe will right itself if it capsizes. 独木舟如果翻了,会自己正过来。





  • 中文繁体

    正確的, 對的,正確的, (判斷或說法)準確的,確切的,恰當的…

  • Español

    correcto, exacto, derecho…

  • Português

    certo, exato, direito…

  • 日本語

    正しい, 正解の, 右の…

  • Türk dili

    doğru, sağ, sağ tarafta/tarafa…

  • Français

    exact/exacte, juste, bien…

  • Catalan

    correcte, cert, dret…

  • العربية

    صَحيح, يَمين, مُناسِب…








