right Significado & definición

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Significado de right en español

  • 0 correct or true -- correcto, exacto

    • He only got half the answers right.

    • ‘You came here in 2009, didn’t you?’ ‘That’s right.’

  • 1 to know or say the correct answer, or to have good judgment about something -- tener razón

    • You’re right about Alison – she’s incredible!

  • 2 on or towards the side of your body that is to the east when you are facing north -- derecho

  • 3 suitable or best in a particular situation -- apropiado, indicado

  • 4 fair or morally acceptable -- correcto

    • It isn’t right to lie.

    • Someone had to tell him – I think you did the right thing.

  • 5 in the correct position -- de forma correcta

    • The lid has to go on the right way around or it won’t fit.

    • Keep the bottle the right way up.

  • 6 to the right side -- a la derecha

    • Turn right after the bridge.

  • 7 used at the beginning of a sentence to get someone’s attention or to show you have understood someone -- bien

  • 8 exactly in a place or time -- justamente

    • He’s right here with me.

  • 9 immediately -- de inmediato

  • 10 correctly -- bien

    • Nothing was going right.

  • 11 all the way -- todo

    • Did you read it right through to the end?

  • 12 the right side of your body, or the direction towards this side -- derecha

    • You’ll find her in the second room on the right.

  • 13 something that the law allows you to do -- derecho

  • 14 morally good behaviour -- bien

  • 15 used to express agreement with someone -- vale

    • ‘Johnny, you climb up first.’ ‘Right!’

  • 16 correct or true according to the facts -- correcto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • I don’t think we’re going in the right direction. No creo que vayamos en la dirección correcta.

    • You were right – her name is Diana, not Deb. Tenías razón – su nombre es Diana, no Deb.

    • “The answer is 5.” “That’s right!” “La respuesta es 5.” “¡Está correcto!”

  • 17 judging a situation correctly -- tener razón

    • You’re right, it looks better hanging on that wall. Tienes razón, queda mejor colgado en esa pared.

    • My mother was right about him – he’s crazy! Mi madre tenía razón sobre él – ¡Está loco!

  • 18 morally good -- correcto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Telling the truth is always the right thing to do. Decir la verdad siempre es lo correcto.

  • 19 correct according to a particular situation -- adecuado/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Is she the right person for him to marry? ¿Es ella la persona adecuada para casarse con él?

    • I’ll tell her when the time is right. Se lo diré cuando sea el momento adecuado.

  • 20 on the side facing east when you face north -- derecha [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the right rear fender of the car el guardabarros derecho del coche

    • my right leg mi pierna derecha

  • 21 normal or usual -- bien

  • 22 emphasizes sth bad -- bien

    • They made me look a right idiot. Me hicieron quedar como un buen idiota.

  • 23 with the usual side facing up -- al revés

    • The cat turned itself right side up as it fell. El gato se volvió del revés al caer.

  • 24 exactly or directly -- exactamente

    • It hit me right on my forehead. Me golpeó exactamente en la frente.

    • She stood right in the middle of the road. Ella se paró exactamente en medio de la carretera.

    • right on time exactamente a tiempo

  • 25 immediately -- justo

    • I’ll be right there. Estaré ahí justo.

    • the people who got here right before you la gente que llegó justo antes que tú

    • We have to leave right away. Tenemos que irnos inmediatamente.

  • 26 correctly -- correctamente

    • Did I do it right? ¿Lo he hecho bien?

  • 27 to or on the right side -- derecha

    • Turn right here. Gire a la derecha aquí.

  • 28 emphasizes that sth happens completely or fully -- completamente

    • The bullet went right through his arm. La bala le atravesó el brazo completamente.

    • He kept right on talking. Él siguió hablando.

    • I hope everything goes right this time. Espero que todo vaya bien esta vez.

  • 29 immediately -- inmediatamente

    • We have to go right now. Tenemos que irnos inmediatamente.

    • We don’t have enough help right now. Ahora no tenemos suficiente ayuda.

  • 30 immediately -- inmediatamente

    • We started with two wins right off the bat. Empezamos inmediatamente con dos victorias.

  • 31 sth you are allowed by laws or moral rules -- derecho [ masculine, singular ]

    • Freedom of speech is one of the rights of every citizen. La libertad de expresión es uno de los derechos de todo ciudadano.

    • We have the right to choose our leaders. Tenemos derecho a elegir a nuestros líderes.

    • She has no right to take things without asking. Ella no tiene derecho a coger las cosas sin preguntar.

  • 32 morally good or acceptable behavior -- bien [ masculine, singular ]

    • the difference between right and wrong la diferencia entre el bien y el mal

  • 33 [ singular ] the side toward the east when you face north -- derecha

    • It’s the second house on the/your right. Es la segunda casa a la derecha.

  • 34 a turn toward or a street on the right -- derecha [ feminine ]

    • Take the next right. Gira a la derecha en la siguiente.

    • Walk up the street and make a right. Camina por la calle y gira a la derecha.

  • 35 [ plural ] the legal authority to use, perform, copy etc. a piece of writing, music, an image, etc. -- derechos

  • 36 people who have conservative political views -- la derecha

    • his opponents on the right sus oponentes de la derecha

  • 37 used to check sb understands -- ¿no?

    • We all know what to do, right? Todos sabemos qué hacer, ¿no?

  • 38 used ironically to show you do not believe sb -- sí claro

    • I don’t think he would lie to us.” “Yeah, right.” “No creo que nos mienta.” Sí, claro “.

  • 39 used to get the attention of a group -- bueno

    • Right. Let’s start. Bueno. Empecemos.

  • 40 used to mean “OK” or “I understand” -- de acuerdo

    • “He doesn’t hear very well.” “Right. I’ll speak louder.” “Él no oye muy bien.” “De acuerdo. Hablaré más fuerte.”

Más definiciones de right

Traducciones de right en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    正確的, 對的,正確的, (判斷或說法)準確的,確切的,恰當的…

  • 中文简体

    正确的, 对的,正确的, (判断或说法)准确的,确切的,恰当的…

  • Português

    certo, exato, direito…

  • 日本語

    正しい, 正解の, 右の…

  • Türk dili

    doğru, sağ, sağ tarafta/tarafa…

  • Français

    exact/exacte, juste, bien…

  • Catalan

    correcte, cert, dret…

  • العربية

    صَحيح, يَمين, مُناسِب…

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