know Significado & definición

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Significado de know en español

  • 0 to have information about something in your mind -- saber

    • ‘How old is she?’ ‘I don’t know.’

    • He knew that she was lying.

  • 1 used to ask someone to tell you a piece of information -- saber

  • 2 to be certain -- saber

  • 3 to be able to do something -- saber

    • Do you know how to ski?

  • 4 to have spent time with someone or in a place so that the person or place is not new to you -- conocer

  • 5 to tell someone something -- decirle algo a alguien

  • 6 used when you agree with something someone has just said -- ya (lo sé)

  • 7 used to make sure someone understands which person or thing you are talking about -- sabes

  • 8 If you know a subject, or you know about it, you are familiar with it and understand it. -- saber

  • 9 to be called -- ser conocido como…

    • California is also known as the Sunshine State.

  • 10 to gradually learn more about someone or something -- conocer mejor a alguien/algo

    • I got to know Frank at work.

  • 11 used to say that you think something is true, but cannot be sure -- que yo sepa

  • 12 If you know what’s what, you have a lot of experience and can judge people and situations well -- saber de qué va (el asunto)

    • Linda’s been in the business for 30 years – she knows what’s what.

  • 13 to understand or have knowledge of sth -- saber

    • Do you know his address? ¿Conoces su dirección?

    • “When’s her birthday?” “I don’t know”. “¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?” “No lo sé”.

    • We’ve known about it for two weeks. Hace dos semanas que lo sabemos.

    • No one knows how they managed to open the door. Nadie sabe cómo lograron abrir la puerta.

    • “Where are the car keys?” “How should I know!” “¿Dónde están las llaves del coche?” “¡Yo qué sé!”

  • 14 to be aware of what sb or sth is like -- conocer

    • We don’t know him very well. No lo conocemos muy bien.

    • I know that road well. Conozco bien esa calle.

    • I wanted to know what life in another country was like. Quería conocer cómo era la vida en otro país.

    • Getting to know everyone here has been a real pleasure. Conocer a todos aquí ha sido un verdadero placer.

    • He knows the city like the back of his hand. Él conoce la ciudad como la palma de su mano.

  • 15 to have the skills and knowledge to do sth -- saber

    • Do you know how to cook? ¿Sabes cocinar?

  • 16 to be sure about sth -- saber

    • We knew that it was going to be a tense meeting. Sabíamos que iba a ser una reunión tensa.

  • 17 (of a person or place) called a particular name -- conocido/ida como

    • As a kid he was known as “Tricky.” De niño era conocido como “Tricky”.

  • 18 remembered because of -- famoso/osa por

  • 19 indicates agreement or sympathy -- lo sé

    • “It’s way too hot in here.” “I know.” “Hace demasiado calor aquí.” “Lo sé.”

    • I know you didn’t want to do this, so thanks. Sé que no querías hacer esto, así que gracias.

    • I know, let’s go to the zoo this afternoon. Ya sé, vamos al zoológico esta tarde.

  • 20 to be sensible enough to be aware that sth is wrong -- ser sensato/ata

    • Ben’s old enough to know better. Ben es suficientemente mayor para ser sensato.

    • She said it’d take an hour to get there, but I knew better. Ella dijo que tardaríamos una hora en llegar, pero yo sabía que no.

  • 21 emphasizes what you are saying -- sabes que

    • You know you really should try to help her. Sabes que realmente deberías intentar ayudarla.

    • Well, it could be, you know, difficult. Bueno, podría ser, ya sabes, difícil.

  • 22 emphasizes you think sth could be possible -- nunca se sabe

  • 23 having information about sth other people do not know about -- conocedor/ora

    • employees who were in the know empleados que eran conocedores

Más definiciones de know

Ejemplos de know

  • It is very encouraging to know of your strong commitment to this quest.

  • Anybody who knows this business will confirm that it is simply not possible to withhold money for a whole year.

  • I refer to the ostrich, which is known for its habit of burying its head in the sand.

  • There is nothing they do not want to know but there has to be a limit put by society on that curiosity.

  • We all know that medicine is not a cartesian science, like mathematics.

  • As we know, drought is a terrible thing and this drought appears to be the worst in 30 years.

  • It would be very useful for us and for the general public to know what happened to those 65 %.

  • Not all the impact of globalisation is positive - we know that - but that is no reason for passivity.

Más ejemplos de know

Traducciones de know en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    掌握資訊, 知道,熟悉,了解, (用於詢問資訊)知道…

  • 中文简体

    掌握信息, 知道,熟悉,了解, (用于询问信息)知道…

  • Português

    saber, conhecer, conhecer sobre…

  • 日本語

    知っている, ~が分かる, きっと~だと思う…

  • Türk dili

    bilmek, görmüş/duymuş/bulunmuş/karşılaşmış olmak, anlamak…

  • Français

    connaître, savoir, être sûr/-sûre…

  • Catalan

    saber, conèixer…

  • العربية

    يَعْرِف, يَألَف…

Más traducciones de know