tell Significado & definición

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Significado de tell en español

  • 0 to say something to someone, usually giving them information -- decir, contar

    • He told me about his new school.

  • 1 to order someone to do something -- decirle a alguien que haga algo

    • I told you to stay here.

  • 2 to know something from what you hear, see, etc. -- notarse

    • You could tell that he was tired.

  • 3 to give information to sb by speaking to them -- contar

    • Have you told her the truth yet? ¿Ya le has contado la verdad?

    • Tell me how much money you need. Dime cuanto dinero necesitas.

    • I told them (that) I was happy. Les dije que estaba feliz.

    • I won’t tell anyone else about it. No se lo contaré a nadie más.

  • 4 to reveal information or indicate sth -- revelar

    • Her scores tell us she’s an above average student. Sus puntuaciones demuestran que es una estudiante por encima del promedio.

    • Dark skies told us a storm was coming. El cielo oscuro revelaba que se avecinaba una tormenta.

  • 5 to say the words of a story or joke -- contar

    • Mom always tells us a story at bedtime. Mamá siempre nos cuenta un cuento a la hora de dormir.

  • 6 to give an instruction or order -- ordenar

    • Do what your mother tells you. Haz lo que te ordene tu madre.

    • Don’t tell me what to do. No me digas lo que tengo qué hacer.

  • 7 to be able to recognize or identify sth -- decir

    • I could tell she was about to cry. Diría que estaba a punto de llorar.

    • To me it’s impossible to tell one impressionist artist from another. Me resulta imposible discernir a un artista impresionista de otro.

    • How do you tell which twin is Joe and which is Dan? ¿Cómo reconoces qué gemelo es Joe y cuál es Dan?

  • 8 to affect sb or sth -- afectar

    • The years in the mines were beginning to tell. Los años en las minas empezaban a pasar factura.

  • 9 used to say that what you told sb before was correct -- te lo dije

  • 10 indicates you have a suggestion to make -- ¿Sabes qué?

    • Tell you what, let’s get some ice cream instead. ¿Sabes qué?, mejor vamos a por helado.

  • 11 indicates you suspect that sth is true or is going to happen -- algo me dice que

    • Something tells me we’ll never get that money back. Algo me dice que nunca recuperaremos ese dinero.

  • 12 indicates you are also experiencing sth bad sb has just mentioned -- dímelo a mí

    • “I have way too much work to do.” “Tell me about it.” “Tengo demasiado trabajo que hacer.” “Dímelo a mí.”

  • 13 to be able to understand what a clock or watch shows -- saber la hora

    • They’re learning to tell time. Están aprendiendo a decir la hora.

  • 14 tell time -- decir la hora

Más definiciones de tell

Ejemplos de tell

  • We managed to get here, but might it be possible to tell the lift to go faster.

  • That tells us how much importance they attach to fundamental rights.

  • Please give me a more concrete answer, because you have told us absolutely nothing apart from vague remarks.

  • Adding the numbers up in this way tells us nothing about the extent, quality and inventiveness of the policy measures.

  • When we talk of solar power, for example, the poorest nations tell us that they simply cannot afford the technology.

  • Can you tell me please, honestly, if this is the case, and how you intend to raise such taxes?

  • We are told that globalisation is bringing about fundamental changes everywhere, that we must submit to.

  • I would like to tell you that it is far too early to be doing this.

Más ejemplos de tell

Traducciones de tell en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    講述, 講述,說, 告訴…

  • 中文简体

    讲述, 讲述,说, 告诉…

  • Português

    dizer, contar…

  • 日本語

    ~に話す, 言う, 教える…

  • Türk dili

    söylemek, demek, anlatmak…

  • Français

    dire, indiquer, raconter…

  • Catalan

    dir, explicar…

  • العربية


Más traducciones de tell