joke Significado & definición

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Significado de joke en español

  • 0 a short, funny story that someone tells to make people laugh -- chiste

  • 1 to be serious or difficult -- no tiene nada de divertido

  • 2 to say funny things, or not be serious -- bromear

    • She always jokes about her husband’s cooking.

  • 3 used to say that something is certainly not true -- ¡estarás de broma!

    • ‘Does Jim do much cooking?’ ‘You must be joking – he never cooks!’

  • 4 sth funny you say or do to make people laugh -- chiste [ masculine, singular ]

    • a good joke un buen chiste

    • We took all his clothes as a joke. Nos llevamos toda su ropa de broma.

    • He told a few jokes for the cameras. Contó algunos chistes para las cámaras.

    • Stop whining – can’t you take a joke? Deja de quejarte – ¿no puedes soportar una broma?

  • 5 sth of poor quality, or sb who is not good at sth -- chiste [ masculine, singular ]

  • 6 (of a situation) serious, unpleasant, or difficult -- ser algo serio

    • The cold temperatures are no joke. Las bajas temperaturas son algo serio.

  • 7 to say things in a funny way -- bromear

    • He was talking and joking with his friends. Él estaba hablando y bromeando con sus amigos.

    • He joked that his singing sounded slightly better than a cat fight. Él bromeó diciendo que su canto sonaba poco mejor que una pelea de gatos.

    • Don’t get madI was just joking. No te enfades – solo estaba bromeando.

Más definiciones de joke

Ejemplos de joke

  • We disapprove of this move, because if it is a joke, then it really should only be a short one.

  • After so many debates and so little progress, it seems to have turned into a bad joke.

  • Some people find jokes harder to take than others.

  • Come on, pull the other one: this place is a joke!

  • I do not believe that the issue of global poverty is a matter about which we should joke or make puns.

  • Very well, that is a joke.

  • Because, frankly, it seems to me that it has become a joke.

  • I do not know if this is a case of hypocrisy or someone's idea of a joke, but in any case it is certainly short-sighted.

Más ejemplos de joke

Traducciones de joke en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    有趣的, 笑話, 玩笑…

  • 中文简体

    有趣的, 笑话, 玩笑…

  • Português

    piada, dizer piadas, caçoar…

  • 日本語

    冗談, ジョーク, 冗談を言う…

  • Türk dili

    şaka, espri, fıkra…

  • Français

    plaisanterie [feminine], blague [feminine], plaisanter…

  • Catalan

    acudit, fer broma…

  • العربية

    نُكْتة, يَمْزَح…

Más traducciones de joke