instead Significado & definición

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Significado de instead en español

  • 0 in the place of someone or something else -- en vez de eso, en su lugar

    • There’s no chicken – would you like lamb instead?

  • 1 in the place of someone or something else -- en vez de alguien/algo

  • 2 rather than sth else -- en lugar de

    • I was going to drive, but I rode my bike instead. Yo iba a conducir, pero en lugar de eso monté en mi bicicleta.

    • Try using pen instead of pencil. Intenta usar el bolígrafo en lugar de un lápiz.

    • Why don’t you help instead of just standing there? ¿Por qué no ayudas en vez de simplemente estar de pie allí?

Más definiciones de instead

Ejemplos de instead

  • Instead, they take the opportunity to seize greater control while you are on your knees.

  • However, it is rather like trying to treat chickenpox by scraping it off the skin instead of going to the doctor.

  • Now is the time for wisdom instead of big words.

  • Instead of limiting passenger transport, a solution is needed to deal with bottlenecks and shortages in railway capacity.

  • Choosing from several flowers instead of one flower is unsuitable.

  • Instead, we collect more intelligence, monitor more objects, organise more bureaucracy and bring about more displeasure.

  • Instead, we need encouragement for each person to act responsibly, both for themselves and for others.

  • Instead, peaceful demonstrators were taken into custody when they arrived at the ferry port.

Más ejemplos de instead

Traducciones de instead en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体


  • 中文简体


  • Português

    em vez disso…

  • 日本語


  • Türk dili

    ...ın/in yerine…

  • Français

    plutôt, à la place…

  • Catalan

    en lloc d’això…

  • العربية

    بَدَلًا مِن…

Más traducciones de instead