hand Significado & definición

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Significado de hand en español

  • 0 the part of your body on the end of your arm that has fingers -- mano

  • 1 done or made by a person and not a machine -- a mano

  • 2 If two people hold hands, they hold each other’s hand. -- darse la mano, ir de la mano

  • 3 out of control -- descontrolado

  • 4 one of the long, thin pieces that point to the numbers on a clock or watch -- aguja

  • 5 to help someone -- echar una mano a alguien

    • Could you give me a hand with these suitcases?

  • 6 used when you are comparing two different ideas or opinions -- por un lado… por otro lado…

    • On the one hand, I’d like more money, but on the other hand, I don’t want to work.

  • 7 to catch someone -- pillar a alguien

    • I’ll kill him if I ever get my hands on him.

  • 8 to give something to someone -- dar

  • 9 the part of your body with fingers -- mano [ feminine ]

    • Hold your knife in your right hand. Sostén tu cuchillo en la mano derecha.

    • They walked along holding hands. Caminaron cogidos de la mano.

    • They shook hands politely. Se dieron un cortés apretón de manos.

    • Hands off the camera! ¡Quita las manos de la cámara!

    • Raise your hand if you know the answer. Levanta la mano si sabes la respuesta.

  • 10 one of the parts of a clock or watch that points to the numbers -- aguja [ feminine ]

    • the small/big hand la aguja pequeña/grande

  • 11 help or assistance -- mano [ feminine ]

    • Would you like a hand carrying that? ¿Necesitas que te eche una mano para llevar eso?

    • Let me give you a hand with the cooking. Déjame echarte una mano con la cocina.

    • If everyone lends a hand we’ll finish quickly. Si todos nos ayudan terminaremos rápidamente.

  • 12 near enough to reach or get easily -- a mano

    • I usually keep a bottle of water at hand. Normalmente tengo una botella de agua a mano.

  • 13 made or done be a person, not a machine -- a mano

    • The fruit has to be picked by hand. La fruta tiene que ser recogida a mano.

  • 14 sb’s responsibility -- en tus manos

    • The future of the company is in his hands. El futuro de la empresa está en sus manos.

  • 15 available to be used -- disponible

    • volunteers on hand to help voluntarios disponibles para ayudar

  • 16 used for introducing two opposing opinions -- por un lado …. por el otro

    • On one hand I’d love to see them, but on the other hand it’s a long way to travel. Por un lado me encantaría verlos, pero por otro lado es un largo viaje hasta llegar allí.

  • 17 out of control -- incontrolable

    • The party was getting out of hand. La fiesta se les estaba yendo de las manos.

  • 18 no longer in sb’s control -- incontrolable

    • The matter is out of my hands. El asunto está fuera de mi alcance.

  • 19 to give sth to sb with your hand -- dar

    • He handed her an envelope. Le dio un sobre.

    • Lea handed the note to Dad. Lea le dio la nota a papá.

Más definiciones de hand

Ejemplos de hand

  • We should not give something with one hand while taking it away with the other.

  • We must act vigorously if we do not want things to get out of hand here.

  • For many years now there has been a decision that you could only take one piece of hand luggage into the aircraft.

  • We must recognise their features, learn their names, publicise their faces, shake their hands.

  • He said that when you play poker, you do not tell anyone what you have in your hand.

  • Crimes are no longer committed by men with gold teeth or with only one hand.

  • What we are actually left with is a glass full of words and a hand full of nothing.

  • When the hand suffers from pins and needles, tingling and rheumatism, which appears to be the case at the moment, everything stops working.

Más ejemplos de hand

Traducciones de hand en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    身體部位, 手, 鐘錶/手錶…

  • 中文简体

    身体部位, 手, 钟表/手表…

  • Português

    mão, ponteiro (do relógio), dar…

  • 日本語

    手, (時計の)針, (人)に(物)を手渡す…

  • Türk dili

    el, yelkovan, (kağıt oyununda) eldeki kâğıtlar…

  • Français

    main [feminine], aiguille [feminine], coup [masculine] de main…

  • Catalan

    mà, busca, donar…

  • العربية

    يَدّ, عَقْرَب السَّاعة, يُعْطي…

Más traducciones de hand