hand Signification, définition

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Signification de hand en français

  • 0 the part of your body with fingers -- main [ feminine ]

    • Hold your knife in your right hand. Tiens ton couteau dans ta main droite.

    • They walked along holding hands. Ils marchaient en se tenant la main.

    • They shook hands politely. Ils se serrèrent poliment la main.

    • Hands off the camera! Ne touchez pas à la caméra !

    • Raise your hand if you know the answer. Levez la main si vous connaissez la réponse.

  • 1 one of the parts of a clock or watch that points to the numbers -- aiguille [ feminine ]

    • the small/big hand la petite/grande aiguille

  • 2 [ singular ] help or assistance -- coup [ masculine ] de main

    • Would you like a hand carrying that? Voulez-vous un coup de main pour porter ça?

    • Let me give you a hand with the cooking. Laisse-moi te donner un coup de main pour la cuisine.

    • If everyone lends a hand we’ll finish quickly. Si tout le monde donne un coup de main nous aurons vite fini.

  • 3 near enough to reach or get easily -- à portée de la main

    • I usually keep a bottle of water at hand. Je garde généralement une bouteille d’eau à portée de la main.

  • 4 made or done be a person, not a machine -- à la main

    • The fruit has to be picked by hand. Il faut cueillir ces fruits à la main.

  • 5 sb’s responsibility -- entre les mains de qqn

    • The future of the company is in his hands. L’avenir de la société est entre ses mains.

  • 6 available to be used -- disponible

    • volunteers on hand to help des bénévoles disponibles pour aider

  • 7 used for introducing two opposing opinions -- d’une part… d’autre part

    • On one hand I’d love to see them, but on the other hand it’s a long way to travel. D’un côté je serais ravi de les voir mais d’un autre côté c’est une longue distance à parcourir.

  • 8 out of control -- incontrôlable

    • The party was getting out of hand. La soirée échappait à tout contrôle.

  • 9 no longer in sb’s control -- qui n’est plus du ressort de qqn

    • The matter is out of my hands. L’affaire n’est plus de mon ressort.

  • 10 to give sth to sb with your hand -- donner

    • He handed her an envelope. Il lui donna une enveloppe.

    • Lea handed the note to Dad. Léa a donné la note à Papa.

  • 11 the part of the body at the end of the arm -- main

  • 12 a pointer on a clock, watch etc -- aiguille

    • Clocks usually have an hour hand and a minute hand.

  • 13 a person employed as a helper, crew member etc -- ouvrier/-ière, membre de l’équipage

  • 14 help; assistance -- coup de main

  • 15 a set of playing-cards dealt to a person -- main, jeu

  • 16 a measure (approximately centimetres) used for measuring the height of horses -- main

  • 17 handwriting -- écriture

  • 18 to give (something) to someone by hand -- donner, rendre, transmettre

    • I handed him the book

    • He handed it back to me

    • I’ll go up the ladder, and you can hand the tools up to me.

  • 19 to pass, transfer etc into another’s care etc -- remettre, retourner

Plus de définitions de hand

Exemples de hand

  • It looks as if we are just going to hand over a cheque and that will be the end of it.

  • Why should someone who comes to visit us, one of our citizens, hand over their identity cards?

  • The group of experts does not have to put itself in the hands of the political groups.

  • I would ask you to sort this matter out, or else we will have an interinstitutional problem on our hands.

  • Once we have started dangling the carrot, we should also make sure we still have the stick in the other hand.

  • Today, we are to vote on amending the rules on hand luggage in air transport.

  • I do not know what you mean by fifty-one cases and an iron hand.

  • We do not want to give with one hand and take away with the other.

Plus Exemples de hand

Traductions de hand dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    身體部位, 手, 鐘錶/手錶…

  • 中文简体

    身体部位, 手, 钟表/手表…

  • Español

    mano, aguja, dar…

  • Português

    mão, ponteiro (do relógio), dar…

  • 日本語

    手, (時計の)針, (人)に(物)を手渡す…

  • Türk dili

    el, yelkovan, (kağıt oyununda) eldeki kâğıtlar…

  • Catalan

    mà, busca, donar…

  • العربية

    يَدّ, عَقْرَب السَّاعة, يُعْطي…

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