part Significado & definición

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Significado de part en español

  • 0 one of the things that, with other things, makes the whole of something -- parte

  • 1 some but not all of a thing -- parte de algo

  • 2 a person in a movie or play -- papel

  • 3 to do an activity with other people -- participar (en algo)

  • 4 a piece of a machine or vehicle -- pieza

  • 5 to be one of the people or things that are involved in an event or situation -- jugar un papel en algo

  • 6 a line on someone’s head made by brushing the hair in two different directions -- raya

  • 7 one section or piece of sth -- parte [ feminine, singular ]

    • This part of the letter is difficult to understand. Esta parte de la carta es difícil de entender.

    • Part of the train set is missing. Falta parte del tren.

    • Which part of your job do you enjoy most? ¿Qué parte de tu trabajo disfrutas más?

    • Part of me wants to forgive him. Una parte de mí quiere perdonarle.

  • 8 an acting role in a play, movie, etc. -- papel [ masculine, singular ]

    • She plays a leading part in the show. ella juega un papel importante en el espectáculo.

    • the part of Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet” la parte de Romeo en “Romeo y Julieta”

  • 9 how sb is involved or participates -- papel [ masculine ]

    • She felt guilty about the part she had played in his death. Ella se sentía culpable por el papel que había jugado en su muerte.

    • Thousands of runners take part in the marathon each year. Miles de corredores participan en la maratón cada año.

  • 10 the line on your head where your hair separates -- raya [ feminine, singular ]

    • a center/side part una partición central/lateral

  • 11 mainly -- por lo general

    • He is, for the most part, a happy child. Él es, por lo general, un niño feliz.

  • 12 to some extent -- en parte

    • The problems we had were, in part, related to bad management. Los problemas que tuvimos fueron, en parte, relacionados con la mala gestión.

  • 13 done by or in relation to sb -- por parte de

    • There was no animosity on her part. No había animosidad por su parte.

  • 14 (of the two sides of sth) to move apart from each other -- separar

    • The surgeon carefully parted the two sections of flesh. El cirujano separó cuidadosamente las dos secciones de carne.

    • The waters parted and they walked across the river. Las aguas se separaron y cruzaron el río.

  • 15 (of two people) to leave one another -- separarse

    • two lovers crying as they part dos amantes lloran al separarse

Más definiciones de part

Ejemplos de part

  • Nonetheless, it was an unhealthy part of the procedure.

  • Only a part of the problem will be solved, but a precedent will be created.

  • We took an active part in the interinstitutional work to reach a satisfactory solution.

  • Our wealth means that we ought to be part of the solution.

  • Part of this success, however, has been down to the use of sucrose as required.

  • Travelling and meeting people from other parts of the world is important.

  • I should like, for my part, to reflect on some of the important themes which have been revised.

  • This could be a really important part of a secure, stable region.

Más ejemplos de part

Traducciones de part en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    一些, 部分,局部, 分開的部分…

  • 中文简体

    一些, 部分,局部, 分开的部分…

  • Português

    parte, papel, peça…

  • 日本語

    (全体のうちの)1つ, (映画や芝居の)役, (機械や車の)パーツ…

  • Türk dili

    kısım, parça, bölüm…

  • Français

    partie [feminine], rôle [masculine], raie [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    part, paper, peça…

  • العربية

    جُزْء, دور, قِطْعة…

Más traducciones de part