apart Significado & definición

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Significado de apart en español

  • 0 separated by a space or period of time -- separados (por una distancia/diferencia de…)

  • 1 into separate, smaller pieces -- en trozos

  • 2 not with someone else -- separado

  • 3 except for -- aparte de

  • 4 separated by space or time -- separado/da

    • two trees standing six feet apart dos árboles parados a seis pies de distancia

    • so much time spent apart from his children pasado tanto tiempo separado de sus hijos

    • brother born ten years apart hermano nacido con diez años de diferencia

  • 5 separated into pieces -- en pedazos

    • The table fell apart. La mesa se hizo pedazos.

    • to take the engine apart desarmar el motor en partes

  • 6 different from each other -- separado

    • Our beliefs are further apart now than they were when we met. Nuestras creencias son más diferentes ahora de lo que eran cuando nos conocimos.

  • 7 with the exception of -- excepto por

    • They all went swimming apart from Nikki. Todos fueron a nadar excepto Nikki.

    • Apart from French, what other languages do you speak? Además del francés, ¿qué otros idiomas hablas?

Más definiciones de apart

Ejemplos de apart

  • It is clear that an international force must be interposed between them, because there is literally no other way of keeping them apart.

  • Quite apart from technical issues involved in radio collisions between the different chips used, these are indeed separate issues.

  • Quite apart from the procedural and legal issues, the tragic human dimension of this phenomenon is becoming increasingly manifest.

  • Apart from being regrettable, this is also highly hypocritical, in my view.

  • Quite apart from other ethical issues and the danger of copycat science in the human field, animal welfare is a real concern.

  • Can you tell me what is being planned apart from formally introducing this law?

  • Such a state of affairs, apart from its obvious criminality, points towards a seriously backward society in which sickeningly brutal witchcraft practices are still operating.

  • Apart from that, it has largely been a failure.

Más ejemplos de apart

Traducciones de apart en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    分開, (指空間或時間)相隔,相距, 成碎片…

  • 中文简体

    分开, (指空间或时间)相隔,相距, 成碎片…

  • Português

    separado, afastado, distante…

  • 日本語

    (空間・時間的に)離して, 離れて, ばらばらに…

  • Türk dili

    ayrı, ayrılmış, ayrık…

  • Français

    à … d’intervalle, à … l’un/une de l’autre, en pièces…

  • Catalan

    separats (per una distància/diferència de…), a trossos, separat…

  • العربية

    مُنْفَصِل, مُتَباعِد, إرَباً إرَباً…

Más traducciones de apart