hurt Significado & definición

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Significado de hurt en español

  • 0 to cause someone pain, or to injure someone or part of yourself -- hacerse daño (en), hacer daño

  • 1 If a part of your body hurts, it is painful. -- doler

    • My eyes really hurt.

  • 2 to upset someone -- herir, ofender

  • 3 injured or in pain -- lastimado, herido

  • 4 upset or unhappy -- dolido

  • 5 to cause pain -- hacer daño

    • I hurt my back lifting the box. Me hice daño en la espalda al levantar la caja.

    • Be careful! You’re hurting your brother. ¡Ten cuidado! Estás lastimando a tu hermano.

    • These shoes hurt. Estos zapatos hacen daño.

  • 6 to feel painful -- doler

    • My back hurts. Me duele la espalda.

    • It hurts when I stand up. Me duele ponerme de pie.

  • 7 to cause or feel emotional pain -- hacer daño

    • I never meant to hurt you. Nunca quise hacerte daño.

    • It hurts when you say things like that. Me duele cuando dices cosas así.

    • If you hurt her feelings, you should apologize! ¡Si heriste sus sentimientos, deberías disculparte!

  • 8 to bring disadvantages -- dañar

    • a tax that hurts the middle class un impuesto que daña a la clase media.

  • 9 injured -- herido/ida [ masculine-feminine ]

    • Is anyone hurt? ¿Hay alguien herido?

  • 10 offended and unhappy -- herido/ida [ masculine-feminine ]

    • She looked hurt at my criticism. Ella parecía herida por mi crítica.

  • 11 emotional pain -- daño [ masculine ]

    • the hurt in his eyes el sufrimiento en sus ojos

Más definiciones de hurt

Ejemplos de hurt

  • No one ever got hurt from di-a-logue!

  • But it will not hurt anyone in the region to learn how to compromise.

  • The governments responsible should ensure that treatment is provided to bring some alleviation of the awful hurt and sorrow they bear.

  • Rejecting this proposal is a decision that hurts not just the families of today but, above all, the families of tomorrow.

  • I suppose it does not hurt so much to chew off your own leg if you are caught in one of those.

  • Of course, if you stretch elastic too far it can snap and you can hurt your fingers.

  • Transparency does not hurt anybody and it often helps to provide an honest environment.

  • These failures are always eventually wrapped in fine euphemisms in order not to hurt the presidency's feelings too much.

Más ejemplos de hurt

Traducciones de hurt en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    (使)感到疼痛, 弄傷, (在精神上)傷害…

  • 中文简体

    (使)感到疼痛, 弄伤, (在精神上)伤害…

  • Português

    machucar, ferir, doer…

  • 日本語

    (身体的に)~を傷つける, ~をけがする, (体の一部が)痛む…

  • Türk dili

    yaralamak, incitmek, acımak…

  • Français

    faire mal, avoir mal, faire de la peine…

  • Catalan

    fer-se mal (a), fer mal a, fer mal…

  • العربية

    يُؤذي, يُؤْلِم, يَجْرَح شُعور…

Más traducciones de hurt