fine Significado & definición

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Significado de fine en español

  • 0 well, healthy, or happy -- bien

    • ‘How are you?’ ‘I’m fine, thanks. And you?’

  • 1 used to agree with a suggestion -- vale

    • ‘Shall we meet at eight tonight?’ ‘Yes, that’s fine.’

  • 2 good enough -- bien

    • ‘Is the soup OK?’ ‘Yes, it’s fine.’

  • 3 excellent, or of very good quality -- selecto

  • 4 sunny and not raining -- despejado

  • 5 thin -- fino

  • 6 an amount of money that you must pay for doing something wrong -- multa

  • 7 to punish someone by making them pay some money -- multar

  • 8 very well, or without any problems -- bien

  • 9 good or acceptable -- bien [ masculine-feminine ]

    • “Is orange juice OK?” “Yes, that’s fine thanks.” “¿Está bien el zumo de naranja?” “Sí, está bien, gracias”.

  • 10 in good health and happy -- bien [ masculine-feminine ]

    • “How are you?” “I’m fine thanks.” “¿Cómo estás?” “Estoy bien, gracias.”

  • 11 excellent or of high quality -- selecto/cta [ masculine-feminine ]

    • fine foods comida selecta

  • 12 very thin -- fino/na [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a fine fabric una tela fina

    • Her hair is very fine. Su pelo es muy fino.

  • 13 (of weather) sunny -- despejado/ada [ masculine-feminine ]

    • Tomorrow should be fine, but windy. Mañana debería estar despejado, pero con viento.

  • 14 acceptably or well enough -- bien

  • 15 a payment that must be made as a punishment -- multa [ feminine ]

    • I had to pay a $100 fine. Tuve que pagar una multa de 100 dólares.

  • 16 to punish sb by making them pay money -- multar

Más definiciones de fine

Traducciones de fine en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    令人滿意的, 好的, 夠好的…

  • 中文简体

    令人满意的, 好的, 足够好的…

  • Português

    bem, (relativamente) bom, aceitável…

  • 日本語

    元気な, 十分な, すばらしい…

  • Türk dili

    hoş, güzel, mükemmel…

  • Français

    bien, raffiné/-ée, fin/fine…

  • Catalan

    bé, selecte, bo…

  • العربية

    حَسَن, جَيّد, مُمتاز…

Más traducciones de fine