pay Significado & definición

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Significado de pay en español

  • 0 to give money to someone because you are buying something from them -- pagar

  • 1 to give someone money for the work that they do -- pagar

  • 2 to look at or listen to someone or something carefully -- prestar atención

  • 3 the money that you get for working -- salario, sueldo

  • 4 money you are given for working -- paga [ feminine, singular ]

    • low pay sueldo bajo

    • a pay increase/cut un aumento/recorte de sueldo

  • 5 to give money when you buy sth -- pagar

    • I’ll pay this time. Yo pago pagar esta vez.

    • Do you have to pay for your own books? ¿Tienes que pagar por tus propios libros?

    • I can’t afford to pay my electricity bill. No me puedo permitir pagar mi factura de electricidad.

    • Can I pay by credit card? ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?

    • to pay in cash/dollars/euros etc. pagar en efectivo/dólares/euros etc.

    • He managed to pay his way through college. Se las arregló para pagar por si mismo su trayectoria en la universidad.

  • 6 to give sb money for working -- pagar

    • The company pays well. La empresa paga bien.

    • Have you been paid for last month yet? ¿Ya te han pagado el mes pasado?

    • I’m paid $30/hour. Me pagan 30 dólares/hora.

  • 7 to give an advantage -- compensar

  • 8 to listen and watch carefully -- prestar atención

  • 9 to say sth kind about sb -- hacer un cumplido a alguien

    • Mr. Henry paid her a compliment on her piano playing. El Sr. henry le hizo un cumplido por su piano.

  • 10 to visit sb -- hacer una visita a alguien

  • 11 to visit or send a greeting to -- saludar a

    • Be sure to pay my respects to your parents. Asegúrate de mandar recuerdos a tus padres.

Más definiciones de pay

Ejemplos de pay

  • This proves the adage that he who pays the piper calls the tune.

  • This laxness is paid for in human life and the tears of those left behind.

  • People do not wish to live in them because it does not pay them to do so.

  • Therefore, it should not be difficult to pay its creditors punctually.

  • One way of improving the situation is to pay reasonable wages to well-trained and qualified staff.

  • Let us not make a poor developing country pay for our preoccupation with our own self-interest.

  • They cannot afford not to work; they need the two salaries to pay the mortgage.

  • It is perhaps a fiscal problem, to know who will pay: will there be a tax on revenue?

Más ejemplos de pay

Traducciones de pay en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    購買, 付費, 付酬…

  • 中文简体

    购买, 付费, 付酬…

  • Português

    pagar, salário…

  • 日本語

    (勘定や代金)を払う, ~に給料を支払う, 給料…

  • Türk dili

    ödemek, vermek, yapılan iş karşılığı ücret ödemek/vermek…

  • Français

    paie [feminine], paye [feminine], salaire [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    pagar, paga, sou…

  • العربية

    يَدْفَع, يَدْفَع (الأجر), أجْر…

Más traducciones de pay