kind Significado & definición

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Significado de kind en español

  • 0 a type of thing or person -- clase, tipo

    • What kind of music do you like?

  • 1 many different types of something -- todo tipo de

  • 2 used to show that what you have just said is only an example from a larger group of things -- ese tipo de cosa

  • 3 used when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you cannot be exact -- un tanto

  • 4 used to talk about something when you are not sure of its exact type -- algún tipo de

  • 5 doing things to help others and showing that you care about them -- bueno, amable

    • Your mother was very kind to us.

    • It was very kind of you to come and see me.

  • 6 a type or sort -- tipo [ masculine, singular ]

    • What kind of book is it? ¿Qué clase de libro es?

    • Are you the kind of person who can deal with stress? ¿Eres el tipo de persona que puede lidiar con el estrés?

    • I work with all kinds of people. Yo trabajo con todo tipo de personas.

  • 7 fairly, in a way -- un poco

    • It’s kind of hard for me to understand him. Para mí es un poco difícil entenderlo.

    • The cookies were kind of unusual. Las galletas eran un poco inusuales.

  • 8 generous or thoughtful -- amable [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a kind woman who would help anyone una mujer amable que ayudaría a cualquiera

    • a kind gesture un gesto amable

    • It was kind of him to help. Fue amable por su parte ayudar.

    • Be kind to your friends. Sé amable con tus amigos.

Más definiciones de kind

Ejemplos de kind

  • I would like to thank my colleagues for their kind cooperation.

  • Three minutes, if you would be so kind.

  • This is a kind offer, but remains merely a pious wish because things are as they are.

  • He was a man of conviction, but a kind man, a very good man, a man of great solidarity.

  • That is very kind of you.

  • But we cannot dictate policy on what kind of theology must be taught there.

  • We are aware that the scientific evidence of the problems caused by this kind of sonar is increasing.

  • Evoking any kind of phobia through certain policies is in this situation simply wrong and dangerous.

Más ejemplos de kind

Traducciones de kind en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    寬容的, 有益的, 體貼的…

  • 中文简体

    宽容的, 有益的, 体贴的…

  • Português

    tipo, espécie, bondoso…

  • 日本語

    種類, 親切な…

  • Türk dili

    tür, çeşit, nazik…

  • Français

    genre [masculine], type [masculine], sorte [feminine]…

  • Catalan

    classe, mena, bo…

  • العربية

    نَوْع, لَطيف…

Más traducciones de kind