wrong Significado & definición

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Significado de wrong en español

  • 0 not correct -- equivocado

    • the wrong answer

    • We’re going the wrong way.

  • 1 to think or say something that is not correct -- estar equivocado

  • 2 If something is wrong, there is a problem. -- malo, no bien

    • There’s something wrong with my computer.

  • 3 used to ask what the problem is -- ¿qué pasa?

  • 4 to produce an answer or result that is not correct, or to say or write something that is not correct -- equivocarse en algo

  • 5 morally bad -- malo, moralmente incorrecto

  • 6 not suitable -- inadecuado

  • 7 to not understand a situation correctly -- tomar el rábano por las hojas

  • 8 in a way that is not correct -- mal

    • He always says my name wrong.

  • 9 to develop problems -- estropearse, salir mal

    • Something’s gone wrong with my car.

  • 10 behaviour that is not morally right -- mal

  • 11 not correct -- incorrecto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the wrong answer la respuesta incorrecta

    • We took a wrong turn. Tomamos un giro equivocado.

  • 12 not right, appropriate, or working correctly -- mal [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • What’s wrong Kay? You look terrible. ¿Qué pasa Kay? No tienes buena cara.

    • the wrong cartridge for my printer el cartucho equivocado para mi impresora

    • I think there’s something wrong with this camera. Creo que hay un problema con esta cámara.

    • It’s the wrong school for a shy kid like him. No es un buen colegio para un niño tímido como él.

  • 13 not morally acceptable -- mal [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • It was wrong of him to take the money. Estuvo mal por su parte coger el dinero.

    • He thinks there’s nothing wrong with swimming naked. Él piensa que no hay nada de malo en nadar desnudo.

  • 14 to start a relationship badly -- empezar con mal pie

    • We just got off on the wrong foot. Acabamos de empezar con mal pie.

  • 15 in an incorrect way -- mal

    • It’s a word everyone pronounces wrong. Es una palabra que todo el mundo pronuncia mal.

  • 16 -- tener algo mal

    • I got two answers wrong. Tuve dos respuestas mal.

    • Uh-oh, I think we did it wrong. Oh-oh, creo que lo hicimos mal.

  • 17 to fail or stop working -- ir mal

    • Something went wrong and the machine stopped. Algo fue mal y la máquina se detuvo.

  • 18 morally unacceptable behavior -- mal [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • the difference between right and wrong la diferencia entre el bien y el mal

  • 19 being the person who did sth wrong -- tener la culpa

    • She refused to admit that she was in the wrong. Ella se negó a admitir que estaba equivocada.

Más definiciones de wrong

Ejemplos de wrong

  • There is nothing wrong with that; we are politicians and that is something we have to do.

  • We see nothing wrong or unnatural about that.

  • In my view, assuming that there are good and bad foods is fundamentally the wrong approach.

  • There is nothing wrong with that model.

  • People live in fear and terror, as walking the streets or visiting the wrong bar can have fatal consequences.

  • We should ask ourselves what we have done wrong.

  • Burning off tropical forests to produce biofuels also tilts the climate balance in the wrong direction.

  • Protection for individual formulae, commands or instructions would quite clearly be a step in the wrong direction.

Más ejemplos de wrong

Traducciones de wrong en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    不正確, 錯誤的, 不正確的…

  • 中文简体

    不正确, 错误的, 不正确的…

  • Português

    errado, errôneo, mau…

  • 日本語

    間違った, 違っている, 悪い…

  • Türk dili

    yanlış, hatalı, kusurlu…

  • Français

    faux/fausse, mauvais/-aise, pas le bon / la bonne…

  • Catalan

    equivocat, dolent, moralment incorrecte…

  • العربية

    خَطأ, مُشكِلة, خاطِىء…

Más traducciones de wrong