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wrong kelimesinin Türkçe anlamı

  • 0 not correct -- yanlış

    • the wrong answer

    • We're going the wrong way.

  • 1 to think or say something that is not correct -- yanlış/hatalı olmak

  • 2 to produce an answer or result that is not correct -- yanlış anlamak; yanlış şeyler ortaya koymak

  • 3 If something is wrong, there is a problem. -- yanlış, hatalı, kusurlu

    • There's something wrong with my computer.

    • What's wrong?

  • 4 morally bad -- ahlâken kötü, hatalı, kusurlu

  • 5 not suitable -- uygun olmayan, yanlış

  • 6 in a way that is not correct -- yanlış/hatalı/kusurlu bir şekilde

    • He always says my name wrong.

  • 7 to develop problems -- yanlış yapmak, yanılmak; hatalara sebep olmak

    • Something's gone wrong with my computer.

  • 8 used when you do not want someone to think that you do not like someone or something -- Beni yanlış anlama'

    • Don't get me wrong, I like her, but she can be very annoying.

  • 9 something that is not morally right -- kötülük, ahlâksızlık, hata, kusur

  • 10 to be responsible for a mistake or something bad that has happened -- hatalı/kusurlu olmak

  • 11 to treat someone unfairly -- haksızlık etmek, günahına girmek

    • a wronged man

More Definitions of wrong

wrong örnekleri

  • However, it may be wrong to apply the conclusion twice, even if a pair is obtained from two different paths.

  • Or to be told the usage one has just produced is wrong?

  • However, even if widespread neolithic societies did share a common set of problems it would be wrong to assume a common symbolic discourse.

  • But investment in human rights is not only a moral and quasi-legal salvation from things that are still going depressingly wrong.

  • Based on a potential error message, they might modify a word or a sentence that is not in fact wrong and hence make things worse.

  • It could be argued that we trained the wrong set of words.

  • Perhaps they simply got the wrong biological antagonist.

  • It would obviously be wrong to castigate those who have prepared this second edition for not doing various things that would have been very desirable.

wrong için Daha Fazla Örnek

wrong 'in Diğer Dillerdeki Çevirileri

  • 中文繁体

    不正確, 錯誤的, 不正確的…

  • 中文简体

    不正确, 错误的, 不正确的…

  • Español

    equivocado, malo, no bien…

  • Português

    errado, errôneo, mau…

  • 日本語

    間違った, 違っている, 悪い…

  • Français

    faux/fausse, mauvais/-aise, pas le bon / la bonne…

  • Catalan

    equivocat, dolent, moralment incorrecte…

  • العربية

    خَطأ, مُشكِلة, خاطِىء…

wrong için Daha Fazla Çeviri



May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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