start Significado & definición

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Significado de start en español

  • 0 to begin doing something -- empezar

    • Maria started to laugh.

    • We start working at nine o’clock.

  • 1 to begin to happen or to make something begin to happen -- empezar

  • 2 the beginning of something -- principio, comienzo

  • 3 to begin -- empezar

    • Everyone started talking at the same time. Todos empezaron a hablar al mismo tiempo.

    • The dog started to bark. El perro comenzó a ladrar.

    • If we start now, we’ll be done before lunch. Si empezamos ahora, habremos terminado antes de comer.

    • I start my new job next week. Emperzaré mi nuevo trabajo la próxima semana.

  • 4 to begin to happen -- empezar

    • It started to rain. Empezó a llover.

  • 5 to begin a new thing -- empezar

    • I’m thinking of starting my own company. Estoy pensando en formar mi propia empresa.

    • She starts school next week. Ella empieza el colegio la próxima semana.

  • 6 to begin in a particular way -- empezar

    • He started his presentation with some statistics. Comenzó su presentación con algunas estadísticas.

    • Eating a healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day. Comer un desayuno saludable es una buena forma de empezar el día.

  • 7 (of a machine) to begin working, or to make it begin working -- encender

  • 8 to begin -- comenzar

    • Let’s get started please. Comencemos por favor.

  • 9 at the beginning -- para empezar

    • We’ll have champagne to start with. Para empezar tomaremos champán.

    • To start with, he’s never on time. En primer lugar, él nunca llega a tiempo.

  • 10 the beginning of a period of time or activity -- principio [ masculine, singular ]

    • the start of the week al principio de la semana

    • From the start, the vacation was a disaster. Desde el principio, las vacaciones fueron un desastre.

    • an excellent start to the project un excelente comienzo del proyecto.

    • He dies right at the start of the story. Muere justo al principio de la historia.

  • 11 the place a race begins -- línea de salida [ feminine, singular ]

    • The runners are lining up at the start. Los corredores se alinean en la línea de salida.

  • 12 indicates your first point -- para empezar

    • For a start, you shouldn’t have left without telling me. Para empezar, no deberías haberte ido sin decírmelo.

  • 13 to begin -- comenzar

    • We’ll make a start on the housework. Vamos a comenzar con las tareas domésticas.

Más definiciones de start

Ejemplos de start

  • In this case we are going to set a single starting line, but not necessarily a single finishing line.

  • We call this the starting line principle.

  • The campaign has started and anyone who disagrees with him needs to keep their mouths shut.

  • In the agenda, you refer to new forms of employment contract with fewer rights for employees who are just starting their careers.

  • We are behaving like participants in a pyramid scheme, who see that the base of the pyramid is starting to stagnate.

  • This is where we have to start looking very seriously at what that means in various contexts.

  • Indeed, if competition is free then all forms of dumping are possible, starting with tax, social, monetary and environmental dumping.

  • Thanks to this law, countries facing emergency situations on immigration will finally start to feel that they are no longer completely on their own.

Más ejemplos de start

Traducciones de start en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    開始, 著手, (企業或其他機構)開業,開始營運…

  • 中文简体

    开始, 着手, (企业或其他机构)开业,开始运营…

  • Português

    começar, iniciar, princípio…

  • 日本語

    ~を始める, 開始する, (物事が)起きる…

  • Türk dili

    başlamak, başlatmak, kurmak…

  • Français

    commencer, débuter, se mettre à…

  • Catalan

    començar, començament…

  • العربية

    يَبْدأ, بِداية…

Más traducciones de start