stop Significado & definición

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Significado de stop en español

  • 0 to finish doing something or not do something any more -- parar, dejar de

  • 1 If a bus, train, etc. stops at a particular place, it lets people get on and off. -- parar

    • Does this train stop at Cambridge?

  • 2 to stop a journey or an activity for a short time -- parar

  • 3 to not move any more, or make someone or something not move any more -- detener(se)

  • 4 to not continue to operate, or to make something not continue to operate -- parar(se)

  • 5 to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something -- detener, impedir

  • 6 to make something end -- terminar

    • We must find a way to stop the war.

  • 7 a place where a bus or train stops so that people can get on or off -- parada

    • We need to get off at the next stop.

  • 8 the act of stopping an activity or journey, or a period of time when you stop -- parada

    • We made a stop to get lunch.

  • 9 to end something bad -- poner fin a algo

  • 10 to stop moving -- detenerse

  • 11 to finish doing -- parar

    • Stop talking and listen. Para de hablar y escucha.

    • I started writing and didn’t stop until 3 a.m. Comencé a escribir y no paré hasta las 3 de la mañana.

    • Stop it, Jamie – you’re being annoying. Para, Jamie – estás siendo molesto.

  • 12 to prevent -- parar

    • They were stopping people from going into the building. Ellos estaban impidiendo que la gente entrara al edificio.

    • attempts to stop gun crime intentos de detener el crimen con armas

  • 13 to not move any farther -- parar

    • Stop the carI want to get out. Para el coche – quiero salir.

    • Let’s stop here and eat lunch. Vamos a parar aquí y comer.

  • 14 (of public transportation) to pause on a trip to allow passengers to get on or off -- parar

    • The bus stops in several small towns on the way to Miami. El autobús para en varios pueblos pequeños de camino a Miami.

  • 15 to not work or make not work anymore -- parar

    • All the clocks in the building had stopped. Todos los relojes en el edificio se habían parado.

    • Stop the DVD at the scene where they meet. Para el DVD en la escena en que se conocen.

  • 16 when you stop somewhere for a short time -- parada [ feminine, singular ]

    • We made several stops along the way. Hicimos varias paradas en el camino.

Más definiciones de stop

Traducciones de stop en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    完成, (使)停止, (使)停下…

  • 中文简体

    完成, (使)停止, (使)停下…

  • Português

    parar, deixar, impedir…

  • 日本語

    ~をやめる, (乗り物が)停車する, 立ち止まる…

  • Türk dili

    durmak, bırakmak, bitirmek…

  • Français

    arrêter, cesser, empêcher…

  • Catalan

    parar, deixar de, aturar(-se)…

  • العربية

    يَتَوَقَّف, يَتوقّف, يوقِف…

Más traducciones de stop