leg Significado & definición

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Significado de leg en español

  • 0 one of the parts of the body that is used for walking -- pierna

  • 1 one of the parts that support a chair, table, etc. -- pata

  • 2 to have no chance of proving that something is true -- no tener en qué basarse

    • If you don’t have a witness, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

  • 3 to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke -- tomar el pelo a alguien

  • 4 one of the two parts attached to your feet, that support your body -- pierna [ feminine, singular ]

    • his right/left leg su pierna derecha/izquierda

    • to sit with your legs crossed sentarse con las piernas cruzadas

  • 5 one of the parts of an animal’s, bird’s, or insect’s body that it uses to walk -- pata [ feminine, singular ]

    • the dog’s front/hind legs las patas delanteras/traseras del perro

    • Spiders have eight legs. Las arañas tienen ocho patas.

  • 6 one of the parts that supports a piece of furniture -- pata [ feminine, singular ]

    • a table/chair leg una pata de mesa/silla

  • 7 the part of a pair of pants that covers one leg -- pernera [ feminine, singular ]

    • a rip in the leg of her pants una rasgadura en la pernera de sus pantalones

  • 8 a piece of meat from the leg of an animal -- pata [ feminine, singular ]

    • a leg of lamb una pata de cordero

  • 9 one part of a trip or race -- etapa [ feminine, singular ]

    • the first leg of the tour la primera etapa de la gira

Más definiciones de leg

Ejemplos de leg

  • It also needs a cultural leg which must be equally strong.

  • Like a table, this order must have at least three legs.

  • It is as much use as a plaster on a wooden leg.

  • My fear is that the labelling in question will be like a plaster on a wooden leg.

  • That over-confidence cost him his left leg.

Más ejemplos de leg

Traducciones de leg en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    身體部位, 腿,腿部, 褲腿…

  • 中文简体

    身体部位, 腿,腿部, 裤腿…

  • Português


  • 日本語

    足(太ももから足首まで), (テーブルなどの)脚…

  • Türk dili

    bacak, but, (sandalye…

  • Français

    jambe [feminine], patte [feminine], pied [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    cama, pota…

  • العربية

    رِجْل, ساق…

Más traducciones de leg