walk Significado & definición

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Significado de walk en español

  • 0 to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other and then repeating the action -- andar

  • 1 a journey that you make by walking, often for enjoyment -- paseo

    • He took the dog for a walk.

  • 2 to move using your legs -- caminar

    • He walked across/around/into the room. Él caminó a través/alrededor/dentro de la habitación.

    • She walks to school. Ella va caminando al colegio.

    • She walked up and kissed me. Ella caminó hasta mi y me besó.

  • 3 to travel a distance by walking -- caminar

    • Walk two blocks west and turn right. Camine dos manzanas al oeste y gire a la derecha.

  • 4 to go with sb as they walk somewhere -- ir andando

    • It’s darkI’ll walk you home. Está oscuro – te acompañaré andando a casa.

  • 5 to take a dog outside for exercise -- pasear al perro

    • a man walking his dog un hombre paseando al perro

  • 6 a trip or the distance you travel by walking -- caminata [ feminine, singular ]

    • It’s a short walk from here. es un corto paseo desde aquí.

    • They went for a walk in the woods. Ellos fueron a dar un paseo por el bosque.

  • 7 from all/many/different cultures, backgrounds, etc. -- de todo tipo

    • People from all walks of life attended the meeting. Gente de todo tipo asistió a la reunión.

Más definiciones de walk

Ejemplos de walk

  • These are the next steps we must take, but it would be disastrous if we now tried to run before we could walk.

  • We cannot just 'talk the talk' on climate change; we have to 'walk the walk' on climate change.

  • As she is a woman from a different ethnic group, we pretend this is of no concern to us, throw her a couple of cents and walk on.

  • Do not run before you can walk.

  • We need to walk, not run.

  • As long as men and women are thirsty and hungry, they will start walking, however high the barbed wire fences are built.

  • We will only be able to walk with our heads held high when our vision of a moral order becomes reality.

  • Most babies learn to walk around their first birthday.

Más ejemplos de walk

Traducciones de walk en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    行走, 走,步行,行走, 陪(某人)走…

  • 中文简体

    行走, 走,步行,行走, 陪(某人)走…

  • Português

    andar, caminhar, passeaer…

  • 日本語

    歩く, 散歩…

  • Türk dili

    yürümek, yürüyüş, gezinti…

  • Français

    marcher, aller/faire à pied, (r)accompagner…

  • Catalan

    caminar, passeig…

  • العربية

    يَمْشي, مَشْي, سَيْر…

Más traducciones de walk