dark Significado & definición

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Significado de dark en español

  • 0 nearer to black than white in colour -- oscuro

  • 1 with no light or not much light -- oscuro

    • It doesn’t get dark until nine o’clock at night.

  • 2 having black or brown hair or brown skin -- moreno

  • 3 a lack of light in a place -- la oscuridad

  • 4 before or after it becomes night -- antes/después del anochecer

  • 5 to not know about something that other people know about -- no estar al corriente

  • 6 with little or no light -- oscuro/ura [ masculine-feminine ]

    • too dark to see in the room demasiado oscuro para ver en la habitación

    • a very dark night una noche muy oscura

    • It’ll be getting dark soon. Pronto oscurecerá.

  • 7 closer to black than white -- oscuro/ura [ masculine-feminine ]

    • He wore dark clothes. Llevaba ropa oscura.

    • dark blue/green/brown/gray azul / verde / marrón / gris oscuro

  • 8 [ singular ] when there is little or no light -- la oscuridad

    • to find your way in the dark encontrar tu camino en la oscuridad

    • I’m scared of the dark. Tengo miedo de la oscuridad.

  • 9 the time when it becomes night -- anochecer [ masculine ]

    • The fireworks start at dark. Los fuegos artificiales comienzan al anochecer.

    • Be home before dark. Estar en casa antes del anochecer.

  • 10 having no knowledge of -- desinformado/ada

    • I was completely in the dark about all the changes. Estaba completamente a oscuras sobre todos los cambios.

Más definiciones de dark

Ejemplos de dark

  • Quite the opposite - a realistic assessment suggests that there are only a few faint glimmers of hope on a dark horizon.

  • We are creating a very dark and oppressive future for everyone.

  • Today the dark shadow of violence hangs over the region, but the patient persistent efforts of the peacemakers must continue.

  • The dark days of the early 1990s seem predominantly to be a distant memory.

  • It is time that it was consigned to the dark recesses of history.

  • Isolating people takes us back in history to a dark period.

Más ejemplos de dark

Traducciones de dark en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    無光, 昏暗的,黑暗的, (顏色)暗的,深色的…

  • 中文简体

    无光, 昏暗的,黑暗的, (颜色)暗的,深色的…

  • Português

    escuro, moreno…

  • 日本語

    (色が)濃い, 暗い, 黒っぽい…

  • Türk dili

    karanlık, siyaha daha yakın, koyu renk…

  • Français

    sombre, foncé/-ée, tombée [feminine] de la nuit…

  • Catalan

    fosc, morè…

  • العربية

    غامِق, مُظْلِم, أسْمَر…

Más traducciones de dark