believe Significado & definición

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Significado de believe en español

  • 0 to think that something is true, or that what someone says is true -- creer

    • She says she’s only 30, but I don’t believe it.

    • Do you believe him?

  • 1 to think something, although you are not completely sure -- creer

  • 2 used to say that something surprising is true -- lo creas o no

  • 3 to be very surprised when you see someone or something, or when you hear what someone says -- no dar crédito a lo que ves/oyes

    • I couldn’t believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.

  • 4 to be sure sth is true -- creer

    • The police didn’t believe the story. La policía no se creyó la historia.

    • Do you believe her? ¿Le crees a ella?

    • Jamie believed that his dad would come back. Jamie creía que su padre volvería.

    • It’s hard to believe we’re going to China. Parece increíble que nos vayamos a China.

  • 5 to think sth is true, but not be completely sure -- creer

    • I believe that it was last week. Creo que fue la semana pasada.

    • a giant squid believed to be 80 feet long se cree que un calamar gigante mide 80 pies de largo

  • 6 to have religious faith -- tener fe

    • Do you believe? ¿Tu crees?

  • 7 implies shock or surprise -- no podía creer / no creo / no creería

    • We couldn’t believe how different he was. No podíamos creer lo diferente que era.

    • I don’t believe it – how did you get here? No me lo creo, ¿cómo llegaste aquí?

  • 8 indicates what you will say is surprising -- Lo creas o no

    • Believe it or not, they haven’t won one game. Lo creas o no, no han ganado ni un partido.

Más definiciones de believe

Ejemplos de believe

  • I believe the principles we discussed then and agreed upon should be present here.

  • I believe that the fifth framework programme will be part and parcel of that, when it comes.

  • I believe that the next tariff preference scheme will have to address these issues as well.

  • I believe that his approach is absolutely admirable.

  • I believe this to be political honesty, even if it is not pleasant to hear.

  • We believe that every option must be exhausted to achieve a peaceful solution here.

Más ejemplos de believe

Traducciones de believe en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体


  • 中文简体


  • Português

    acreditar, supor…

  • 日本語

    ~を信じる, (~であると)確信する, ~だと推測する…

  • Türk dili

    güvenmek, itimat etmek, sanmak…

  • Français

    croire, penser, avoir la foi…

  • Catalan


  • العربية

    يُصَدِّق, يَعْتَقِد…

Más traducciones de believe