ear Significado & definición

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Significado de ear en español

  • 0 one of the two parts of the body on your head that you hear with -- oreja

  • 1 the part of a cereal plant that the seeds grow on -- mazorca, espiga

  • 2 one of the two hearing organs on the sides of your head -- oreja [ feminine ]

    • a hat to keep your ears warm un sombrero para mantener tus orejas calientes

    • a ringing sound in my ears un zumbido en mis orejas

  • 3 the ability to hear sounds accurately -- oído [ masculine ]

    • to have a good ear for music tener buen oído para la música

  • 4 the top part of plants such as wheat or corn -- mazorca [ feminine ]

    • an ear of wheat/corn una mazorca de trigo/maíz

  • 5 to have too much of sth -- salir por las orejas

    • I have work coming out of my ears. Tengo trabajo saliéndome por las orejas.

  • 6 indicates that sb does not really listen -- entrar por una oreja y salir por la otra

    • Everything I tell her goes in one ear and out the other. Todo lo que le digo entra por una oreja y sale por la otra.

  • 7 to change your plans as a situation develops rather than planning beforehand -- improvisar

    • I’m not sure how long it’ll last – let’s just play it by ear. No estoy seguro de cuánto durará – simplemente improvisemos.

  • 8 to have a big smile on your face -- sonreír de oreja a oreja

    • He came off stage grinning from ear to ear. Salió del escenario sonriendo de oreja a oreja.

Más definiciones de ear

Ejemplos de ear

  • The introduction of animal passports and enactment of regulations on ear tags are also included in the proposals.

  • Whatever our past criticisms, we are all now up to our ears in this endeavour.

  • The din can cause permanent damage to the ear bones, and brain and lung haemorrhage.

  • I am sure those words will ring hollow in the ears of the workers hit by this decision.

  • We need to keep our ears open, because as long as we keep taking aspirins, we shall continue to have a headache.

  • Thirty years later, those words are even more true: they buzz in our ears like an insect from which we can no longer escape.

  • Use your ears, listen to the electorate and do come to our press conference at 4 p.m.

  • I was here and heard it with my own ears.

Más ejemplos de ear

Traducciones de ear en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    身體器官, 耳,耳朵, 植物上的一部分…

  • 中文简体

    身体器官, 耳,耳朵, 植物上的一部分…

  • Português

    orelha, ouvido, espiga…

  • 日本語

    耳, (麦などの)穂, (トウモロコシの)実…

  • Türk dili

    kulak, başak, tahılın tepesi…

  • Français

    oreille [feminine], épi [masculine], oreille…

  • Catalan

    orella, panotxa, espiga…

  • العربية

    أُذُن, سُنبُلة…

Más traducciones de ear