ear Signification, définition

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Signification de ear en français

  • 0 one of the two hearing organs on the sides of your head -- oreille [ feminine ]

    • a hat to keep your ears warm un chapeau qui tient chaud aux oreilles

    • a ringing sound in my ears un tintement dans mes oreilles

  • 1 [ singular ] the ability to hear sounds accurately -- oreille [ feminine ]

    • to have a good ear for music avoir une bonne oreille pour la musique

  • 2 the top part of plants such as wheat or corn -- épi [ masculine ]

    • an ear of wheat/corn un épi de blé

  • 3 to have too much of sth -- par-dessus la tête

    • I have work coming out of my ears. J’ai du travail par-dessus a tête.

  • 4 indicates that sb does not really listen -- entrer par une oreille et ressortir par l’autre

    • Everything I tell her goes in one ear and out the other. Tout ce que je dis lui entre dans une oreille et ressort par l’autre.

  • 5 to change your plans as a situation develops rather than planning beforehand -- aviser le moment venu

    • I’m not sure how long it’ll last – let’s just play it by ear. Je ne suis pas certain de savoir combien de temps cela durera ; on avisera le moment venu.

  • 6 to have a big smile on your face -- avoir un sourire jusqu’aux oreilles

    • He came off stage grinning from ear to ear. Il descendit de scène avec un sourire jusqu’aux oreilles.

  • 7 the part of the head by means of which we hear, or its external part only -- oreille

  • 8 the sense or power of hearing especially the ability to hear the difference between sounds -- oreille

  • 9 the part of a cereal plant which contains the seed -- épi

Plus de définitions de ear

Exemples de ear

  • The introduction of animal passports and enactment of regulations on ear tags are also included in the proposals.

  • I am the listening ear on behalf of everyone in our group who is involved in this subject.

  • At the time, it did apparently find a sympathetic ear.

  • The din can cause permanent damage to the ear bones, and brain and lung haemorrhage.

  • Rather than allowing what they say to us to go in one ear and out of the other, we should take it away with us and ponder it.

  • Nevertheless, that is a long way from saying that we are trying to sidestep the issue, that we are turning a deaf ear or that we have lost the plot.

Plus Exemples de ear

Traductions de ear dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    身體器官, 耳,耳朵, 植物上的一部分…

  • 中文简体

    身体器官, 耳,耳朵, 植物上的一部分…

  • Español

    oreja, mazorca, espiga…

  • Português

    orelha, ouvido, espiga…

  • 日本語

    耳, (麦などの)穂, (トウモロコシの)実…

  • Türk dili

    kulak, başak, tahılın tepesi…

  • Catalan

    orella, panotxa, espiga…

  • العربية

    أُذُن, سُنبُلة…

Plus Traductions de ear dans d'autres langues



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