sharp Signification, définition

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Signification de sharp en français

  • 0 able to make a cut or hole in sth -- tranchant/-ante

    • Careful – the knife is sharp. Attention, le couteau est bien aiguisé.

    • an instrument with a sharp point un instrument très pointu

  • 1 (of a change or difference) sudden and large -- fort/forte

    • a sharp drop/fall/decrease in prices une brusque chute/baisse des prix

    • a sharp rise/increase une forte hausse/augmentation

  • 2 (of a pain) sudden and stinging -- vif/vive

    • a sharp pain in my chest une douleur vive dans ma poitrine

  • 3 able to think quickly and intelligently -- vif/vive

    • She’s very sharp. Elle est très vive.

  • 4 (of an image) clearly defined -- net/nette

    • a digital TV with a very sharp picture une télé numérique qui a une image très nette

  • 5 changing direction quickly -- brusque

    • a sharp bend in the road un virage serré sur la route

    • He made a sharp turn. Il a pris un virage brusque.

  • 6 obviously different -- marqué/-ée

    • sharp divisions in the ruling party des divisions marquées dans le parti au pouvoir

  • 7 (of sth you say) expressing strong negative feelings or thoughts -- cassant/-ante

    • her sharp reply sa réponse cinglante

  • 8 exactly -- pile

    • Please be here at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Veuillez être ici à 8h pile/précises.

  • 9 having a thin edge that can cut or a point that can pierce -- aiguisé, pointu

  • 10 (of pictures, outlines etc) clear and distinct -- net

  • 11 (of changes in direction) sudden and quick -- brusque

  • 12 (of pain etc) keen, acute or intense -- violent

    • He gets a sharp pain after eating.

  • 13 (often with with) severe -- sévère

    • Don’t be so sharp with the child!

    • She got a sharp reproach from me.

  • 14 alert -- fin

    • Dogs have sharp ears.

  • 15 shrill and sudden -- perçant

  • 16 (of a musical note) raised a semitone; too high in pitch -- diésé, trop haut

    • F sharp

    • That last note was sharp.

  • 17 punctually -- pile

    • Come at six (o’clock) sharp.

  • 18 with an abrupt change of direction -- brusquement

    • Turn sharp left here.

  • 19 at too high a pitch -- trop haut

  • 20 a sharp note -- dièse

    • sharps and flats.

  • 21 a sign (#) to show that a note is to be raised a semitone. -- dièse

Plus de définitions de sharp

Exemples de sharp

  • After staying at more or less the same level during this ten-year period, there has recently been a sharp increase in petitions submitted.

  • The economic and financial crisis also brought a sharp fall in world trade.

  • I do not think they keep the process in a sharp enough focus.

  • The outcome witnessed by us in recent days is tragic: there has been a very sharp deterioration in the humanitarian situation and even the security situation has worsened considerably.

Plus Exemples de sharp

Traductions de sharp dans d'autres langues

  • 中文繁体

    能切斷, 鋒利的, 尖的…

  • 中文简体

    能切断, 锋利的, 尖的…

  • Español

    afilado, brusco, pronunciado…

  • Português

    afiado, brusco, pronunciado…

  • 日本語

    鋭い, 鋭利な, 急な…

  • Türk dili

    keskin, sivri, sivri uçlu…

  • Catalan

    esmolat, brusc, pronunciat…

  • العربية

    حادّ, خاطِف, ثاقِب الذِّهْن…

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