sharp Significado & definición

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Significado de sharp en español

  • 0 having a very thin edge or point that can cut things -- afilado

  • 1 sudden and very large -- brusco, pronunciado, intenso

  • 2 quick to notice and understand things -- perspicaz

  • 3 a note that is slightly higher than the note that is shown -- sostenido

  • 4 able to make a cut or hole in sth -- afilado/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Careful – the knife is sharp. Cuidado – el cuchillo está afilado.

    • an instrument with a sharp point un instrumento con punta afilada

  • 5 (of a change or difference) sudden and large -- agudo/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a sharp drop/fall/decrease in prices una aguda caída/disminución de los precios

    • a sharp rise/increase un brusco aumento/una brusca subida

  • 6 (of a pain) sudden and stinging -- intenso/sa [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

  • 7 able to think quickly and intelligently -- agudo/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • She’s very sharp. Ella es muy avispada.

  • 8 (of an image) clearly defined -- nítido/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a digital TV with a very sharp picture un televisor digital con una imagen muy nítida

  • 9 changing direction quickly -- brusco/ca [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a sharp bend in the road una curva cerrada en el camino

    • He made a sharp turn. Hizo un giro brusco.

  • 10 obviously different -- muy marcado/da [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • sharp divisions in the ruling party divisiones muy marcadas en el partido gobernante

  • 11 (of sth you say) expressing strong negative feelings or thoughts -- mordaz [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • her sharp reply su respuesta mordaz

  • 12 exactly -- en punto

    • Please be here at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Por favor esté aquí a las 8:00 en punto.

Más definiciones de sharp

Ejemplos de sharp

  • I hope, however, that some flexibility will ultimately prevent a sudden sharp rise in insurance premiums.

  • The reality, then, is a sharp divestment in these areas.

  • Armed troops are still in sharp conflict with each other.

Más ejemplos de sharp

Traducciones de sharp en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    能切斷, 鋒利的, 尖的…

  • 中文简体

    能切断, 锋利的, 尖的…

  • Português

    afiado, brusco, pronunciado…

  • 日本語

    鋭い, 鋭利な, 急な…

  • Türk dili

    keskin, sivri, sivri uçlu…

  • Français

    tranchant/-ante, bien aiguisé/-ée, fort/forte…

  • Catalan

    esmolat, brusc, pronunciat…

  • العربية

    حادّ, خاطِف, ثاقِب الذِّهْن…

Más traducciones de sharp