exactly Significado & definición

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Significado de exactly en español

  • 0 used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct -- exactamente

    • What exactly is the problem?

    • The train got in at exactly ten o’clock.

  • 1 used to make stronger what you are saying -- exactamente

  • 2 something you say when you agree completely with someone -- exactamente

    • ‘Surely they should have told us about this problem sooner?’ ‘Exactly.’

  • 3 used to say that something is not completely true -- no exactamente

    • ‘Did you give her your book?’ ‘Not exactly – I lent it to her.’

  • 4 not more or less than -- exactamente

    • exactly 3 meters long exactamente 3 metros de longitud

    • at exactly 2 o’clock exactamente a las 2 en punto

    • exactly 5 days from now exactamente dentro de 5 días

  • 5 in every way -- exactamente

    • She’s exactly like her mother. Ella es exactamente como su madre.

    • No two pictures are exactly the same. No hay dos imágenes exactamente iguales.

  • 6 emphasizes that you agree -- exacto

    • “It’s not fair!” “Exactly! That’s what I said.” “¡No es justo!” “¡Exactamente! Eso es lo que dije.”

  • 7 indicates sth is not completely accurate -- no exactamente

    • “Do you work here?” “Not exactly. I just volunteer.” “¿Trabajas aquí?” “No exactamente. Simplemente estoy de voluntario.”

    • It’s not exactly difficult, is it? No es exactamente difícil, ¿verdad?

Más definiciones de exactly

Ejemplos de exactly

  • It is also worth remembering exactly what resolution 1441 actually says.

  • At the same time, the report recommends the establishment of transnational lists, which would have exactly the opposite effect to the previously stated objective.

  • However, it is not important to find who is responsible and what happened exactly.

  • I could not tell you the exact figure, but we will find out exactly one month from now.

  • As regards the practical aspects, we cannot exactly quantify the effects of cloning yet.

  • We will look to see exactly what we need.

Más ejemplos de exactly

Traducciones de exactly en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    精確地, 確切地, 完全準確地…

  • 中文简体

    精确地, 确切地, 完全准确地…

  • Português

    exatamente, precisamente, exato…

  • 日本語

    正確に, まさに, そのとおり…

  • Türk dili

    çok doğru, tamam, tam…

  • Français

    exactement, absolument, avec précision…

  • Catalan

    exactament, exacte, això mateix…

  • العربية

    تَماماً, بِالضَّبْط, بِالضَّبْط (تُقال لِلتَّأكيد عَلى الشَّيء)…

Más traducciones de exactly