change Significado & definición

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Significado de change en español

  • 0 to stop having or doing one thing, and start having or doing another -- cambiar de

  • 1 to become different, or to make someone or something become different -- cambiar

    • She’s changed a lot in the last few years.

    • That book changed my life.

  • 2 to take off your clothes and put on different ones -- cambiarse (de)

  • 3 to get off one bus, plane, etc. and get on a different one -- cambiar de autobús, de avión, etc.

    • I have to change trains at Bristol.

  • 4 to get one type of money in exchange for a different type -- cambiar

  • 5 to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else -- devolver

  • 6 to start talking about a different subject -- cambiar de tema

  • 7 the process or result of something becoming different -- cambio

    • We need to make a few changes to the design.

  • 8 the process of stopping one thing and starting to have or do another thing -- cambio

  • 9 the money that you get back when you pay more for something than it costs -- cambio

  • 10 coins, not paper money -- cambio

  • 11 a set of clean clothes that you can put on if you need to take off the ones that you are wearing -- ropa de repuesto

  • 12 a different experience from what is usual, or something that is pleasant or interesting because it is unusual or new -- cambio

  • 13 used to say that something is unusual or new -- para variar

  • 14 to become or make different -- cambiar

    • He’s really changed since I last saw him. Ha cambiado mucho desde la última vez que lo vi.

    • I’m not going to change my opinion. No voy a cambiar de opinión.

    • leaves that change from green to orange in the fall hojas que cambian de verde a naranja en otoño

    • I keep changing my mind about which one to buy. Sigo cambiando de opinión sobre cuál comprarme.

  • 15 to stop doing or using sth in order to do sth else -- cambiar de

    • to change from one school to another cambiar de una escuela a otra

    • I changed banks. Me cambié de banco.

    • She quickly changed the subject. Ella cambió rápidamente de tema.

  • 16 to put on different clothes -- cambiarse

    • to change for dinner cambiarse para la cena

    • to change clothes cambiarse de ropa

    • I’ll change into/out of my boots. Ponerse/quitarse las botas.

    • two minutes to get changed between scenes dos minutos para cambiarse entre escenas

  • 17 to move from one vehicle to another during a journey -- cambiar

    • to change planes in Hong Kong cambiar de avión en Hong Kong

  • 18 to exchange money -- cambiar

    • to change euros into dollars cambiar euros a dólares

  • 19 to exchange goods you bought -- devolver

    • I’d like to change this for the blue one. Me gustaría devolver esto por el azul.

  • 20 the act or result of changing -- cambio [ masculine ]

    • changes in weather patterns cambios en los patrones climáticos

    • no change in her condition ningún cambio en su condición

    • to make some changes to the house hacer algunos cambios en la casa

  • 21 the replacement of one thing with another -- cambio [ masculine ]

    • a change of clothing/clothes/socks una muda de ropa/calcetines

    • to make the change from communism to capitalism hacer el cambio del comunismo al capitalismo

  • 22 money given back when you pay more than the cost of the item -- cambio [ masculine ]

    • Give her $10 and you should get $3 change. Dale 10 dólares y te deberían dar un cambio de 3 dólares.

    • Keep the change. Quédese con el cambio.

  • 23 money in coins not bills -- monedas [ feminine ]

    • Do you have any change? ¿Tienes cambio?

Más definiciones de change

Ejemplos de change

  • We are speeding up climate change and harming peoples who live in extreme poverty.

  • It has an obligation to produce results with regard to climate change and energy.

  • We must implement a positive agenda for change.

  • Therefore, it is necessary to correct its scope by making a structural change.

  • I think the signs for change here are not very good.

  • Some people may not immediately perhaps see the changes as a simplification.

  • The location was decided at the last conference and it will not be changed now.

  • It has not changed and will remain the same until the end of my mandate.

Más ejemplos de change

Traducciones de change en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    變得不同, 換,交換, 改變,變化…

  • 中文简体

    变得不同, 换,交换, 改变,变化…

  • Português

    trocar, mudar, trocar-se…

  • 日本語

    ~を替える, ~が変わる, ~を変える…

  • Türk dili

    değişmek, değiştirmek, kıyafetini değiştirmek…

  • Français

    changer, changer de, (se) changer…

  • Catalan

    canviar de, canviar, canviar-se (de)…

  • العربية

    يُغَيِّر, يَتَغَيَّر, يُغَيِّر (النُقود)…

Más traducciones de change