cut Significado & definición

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Significado de cut en español

  • 0 to use a knife or other sharp tool to divide something or make a hole in something -- cortar

  • 1 to hurt a part of your body on a sharp object that makes you bleed -- cortarse (algo)

  • 2 to reduce the size or amount of something -- recortar, reducir

    • Prices have been cut by 25 percent.

  • 3 to remove part of a movie or piece of writing -- cortar

  • 4 an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp -- corte

  • 5 a reduction in the number or amount of something -- corte, recorte, reducción

  • 6 an opening made with a sharp tool -- corte

  • 7 a situation in which the supply of something is stopped -- apagón, corte

  • 8 to divide sth or to make a mark or hole with a sharp tool -- cortar

    • to cut the bread into slices rebanar el pan

    • The ax cut easily through the wood. El hacha corta fácilmente a través de la madera.

    • I cut off a huge chunk of chocolate. Corté un enorme trozo de chocolate.

    • to cut a hole in the wall cortar un agujero en la pared

    • Cut me a piece of cake. Córtame un pedazo de pastel.

    • to cut sth into pieces cortar algo en pedazos

    • to cut sth in half cortar algo por la mitad

  • 9 to make shorter -- acortar

    • to cut the grass cortar el césped

    • I have to get my hair cut. Tengo que cortarme el pelo.

  • 10 to injure yourself with sth sharp -- cortarse

    • I cut myself with the knife. Me corté con el cuchillo.

    • He cut his toe badly. Se cortó gravemente el dedo del pie.

  • 11 to reduce an amount or level -- recortar

    • to cut prices/costs/rates recortar precios / costos / tarifas

    • companies forced to cut jobs empresas obligadas a recortar puestos de trabajo

    • outbreaks of the disease were cut in half los brotes de la enfermedad se recortaron a la mitad

    • We aim to cut the amount of hazardous wastes by 65%. Nuestro objetivo es recortar la cantidad de residuos peligrosos en un 65%.

  • 12 to remove sth, especially words or pictures -- cortar

    • She decided to cut the scene from the movie. Ella decidió cortar la escena de la película.

    • Use Ctrl X to cut. Utilice Ctrl X para cortar.

    • to cut and paste from one document to another cortar y pegar de un documento a otro

  • 13 ordinary, clear, and not complex -- claro y simple

    • a cut-and-dried argument un argumento claro y simple

  • 14 to pay less attention to quality in order to save time or money -- recortar presupuesto

    • If we cut corners, our customers won’t trust the quality of our products. Si recortamos el presupuesto, nuestros clientes no confiarán en la calidad de nuestros productos.

  • 15 to allow just enough time to succeed -- justo a tiempo

    • We made the plane, but we were cutting it close. Llegamos el avión, pero justo a tiempo.

  • 16 to finish sth earlier than intended -- abreviar

    • We had to cut the picnic short. Tuvimos que acortar el picnic.

  • 17 to interrupt sb who is talking -- interrumpir

  • 18 a reduction in sth -- rebaja [ feminine ]

    • a tax/price/job cut reducción de impuestos / precio / trabajo

    • cuts in the budget recortes en el presupuesto

  • 19 an injury from sth sharp -- corte [ masculine ]

    • a deep cut on her leg un corte profundo en su pierna

  • 20 a hair cut or hair style -- corte [ masculine ]

    • My hair needs a cut. Necesito un corte de pelo.

    • a really nice cut un corte muy bonito

  • 21 a hole or mark in a surface -- agujero [ masculine ]

    • Make a two-inch cut in the material. Hacer un agujero de cinco centímetros en el material.

  • 22 sth cut from a piece of writing or film -- cortes [ masculine ]

    • to make cuts to the speech hacer cortes al discurso

  • 23 sb’s share of an amount of money -- parte [ feminine ]

    • Your cut is 20%. Tu parte es del 20%.

  • 24 better than others -- superior

    • Her voice is a cut above the rest. Su voz es superior al resto.

Más definiciones de cut

Traducciones de cut en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    用刀, (尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁, 減少…

  • 中文简体

    用刀, (尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁, 减少…

  • Português

    cortar, reduzir, corte…

  • 日本語

    ~を切る, ~が切れる, ~を縮小する…

  • Türk dili

    kesmek, azaltmak, kısmak…

  • Français

    couper, tailler, se couper…

  • Catalan

    tallar, retallar, reduir…

  • العربية

    يَقْطَع, يُخَفِّض, يُخَفِّف…

Más traducciones de cut