deep Significado & definición

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Significado de deep en español

  • 0 having a long distance from the top to the bottom or from the front to the back -- profundo

  • 1 A deep colour is strong and dark. -- intenso

  • 2 one metre, six feet, etc. from the top to the bottom, or from the front to the back -- un metro, seis pies, etc. de profundidad

  • 3 A deep feeling is very strong. -- enorme

  • 4 the action of someone sleeping in a way that makes it difficult to wake them up -- un sueño profundo

  • 5 A deep sound is low. -- grave

  • 6 a long way into something from the top or outside -- hasta la profundidad

  • 7 extending down a long way from the top or from a surface -- profundo/unda [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a deep coal mine una mina de carbón profunda

  • 8 a measurement from the top or from a surface down -- profundidad [ feminine ]

    • “How deep was the snow?” “About six inches deep.” “¿Cómo de profunda era la nieve?” “Cerca de seis pulgadas de profundidad.”

  • 9 extending a long way from a surface or edge -- profundo/unda [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a deep cut on his leg un corte profundo en su pierna

  • 10 (of a feeling, belief) strong -- profundo/unda [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a deep sense of calm una profunda sensación de calma

  • 11 (of breath) using a lot of air -- profundo/unda [ masculine-feminine ]

    • Take a deep breath. Tomar una respiración profunda.

    • a deep sigh un profundo suspiro

  • 12 (of a sound) low in pitch -- grave [ masculine-feminine ]

    • his deep voice su voz grave

  • 13 (of a color) dark and intense -- intenso/ensa [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a deep red un rojo intenso

  • 14 (of sleep) not easy to wake from -- profundo/unda [ masculine-feminine ]

    • She woke from a deep sleep. Ella se despertó de un sueño profundo.

  • 15 complex and serious -- serio/ria [ masculine-feminine ]

    • to think deep thoughts pensar reflexiones profundas

  • 16 very involved in thinking or talking -- enfrascado/da en una conversación

    • The two women were deep in conversation. Las dos mujeres estaban enfrascadas en la conversación.

  • 17 far into sth -- hondo/da

    • tunnels running deep underground túneles operando a gran profundidad

    • They were going deeper into the woods. Estaban adentrándose en el bosque.

  • 18 surrounded by two, three, etc. rows or levels -- niveles de profundidad

    • fish piled four deep in the baskets peces apilados en cuatro niveles de profundidad en las cestas

  • 19 at the most basic or essential level -- en el fondo

    • I knew deep down that she was right. En el fondo sabía que ella tenía razón.

Más definiciones de deep

Ejemplos de deep

  • We cannot deny that the issue of developing deep-vein thrombosis is not a serious concern for air passengers.

  • That is indeed strange when we are talking, as has become manifest here, about a system in deep crisis.

  • It is because the results of this research are not guaranteed that, in the meantime, we must resolve the issue of deep underground storage.

  • There has been much dispute about the methods of disposal: incineration, burial in deep storage in rock or in salt mines and landfill, to name but a few.

  • This storage can take place in disused salt mines, deep rock formations and hazardous landfill sites.

  • The reasons for the push factors of asylum are deep and profound - they are poverty and instability.

  • Deep-sea stocks are fished stocks caught in waters beyond the main fishing grounds of continental shelves.

  • I also welcome the option of deep geological storage, including the principle of reversibility.

Más ejemplos de deep

Traducciones de deep en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    深的,向下延伸的, 有…深的, 感受強烈…

  • 中文简体

    深的,向下延伸的, 有…深的, 感受强烈…

  • Português

    profundo, intenso, grave…

  • 日本語

    深い, (色が)濃い, 心からの…

  • Türk dili

    derin, enine boyuna derin, geniş…

  • Français

    profond/-onde, épais/-aisse, profond-onde…

  • Catalan

    fondo, intens, enorme…

  • العربية

    عَميق, داكِن, صَوت خَفيض…

Más traducciones de deep