sleep Significado & definición

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Significado de sleep en español

  • 0 to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is unconscious -- dormir

    • We slept in a hotel last night.

    • Did you sleep well?

  • 1 to sleep very well -- dormir como un tronco

    • I went to bed early and slept like a log.

  • 2 the state you are in when you are sleeping, or a period of time when you are sleeping -- sueño

    • You need to go home and get some sleep.

    • It took me ages to get to sleep (= to succeed in sleeping).

  • 3 a period of sleeping -- sueño

    • Why don’t you have a little sleep?

    • You need a good night’s sleep (= a night when you sleep well).

  • 4 to begin to sleep -- quedarse dormido

    • Babies often go to sleep after they are fed.

  • 5 to kill an animal that is very sick or very old so that it does not suffer any more -- sacrificar a algo

  • 6 to close your eyes and go into a deep state of rest, usually at night -- dormir

    • The boy slept for 12 hours. El niño durmió durante 12 horas.

    • to sleep well/badly dormir bien/mal

  • 7 (of a house or room) to have beds for a particular number of people -- habitaciones

    • The house sleeps eight comfortably. En la casa hay cama para ocho personas cómodamente.

  • 8 the state of being asleep -- sueño [ masculine, singular ]

    • Try to get some sleep. Intenta dormir algo.

    • It took me a long time to go to sleep. Me costó mucho tiempo dormirme.

    • The class was so boring, it put me to sleep. La clase fue súper aburrida, hizo que me durmiera.

    • She talks in her sleep. Ella habla en sueños.

  • 9 a time when sb is sleeping -- sueño [ masculine, singular ]

    • a deep sleep un sueño profundo

    • Get a good night’s sleep and you’ll feel better. Duerme bien y te sentirás mejor.

  • 10 indicates sth is very easy for sb -- podría hacerlo dormido/da

    • I could take the test in my sleep. Podría hacer el examen dormido.

  • 11 (of part of your body) to become numb because of lack of blood -- quedarse dormido/da

    • My whole left leg went to sleep. Toda mi pierna izquierda se quedó dormida.

  • 12 to not be worried or bothered about -- no perder el sueño

    • We lost one gameI’m not going to lose sleep over it. Perdimos un partido – No voy a perder el sueño por eso.

  • 13 to kill an injured or dying animal with an injection of drugs -- sacrificar

    • They had to put the dog to sleep. Tuvieron que sacrificar al perro.

Más definiciones de sleep

Ejemplos de sleep

  • Eight hours’ work, eight hours’ leisure time and eight hours’ sleep were what were then demanded.

  • Eleven hours of sleep at night, instead of twelve, is more than enough.

  • Most people need eight hours sleep.

  • Can you sleep soundly at night, ladies and gentlemen?

  • He did it one night; he did it while she was sleeping.

  • Not being able to sleep properly actually changes a person's life radically.

  • But, at this time of night, our staff and interpreters here will not need any sheep therapy to go to sleep.

  • I have to say that these are questions which do not let you sleep peacefully.

Más ejemplos de sleep

Traducciones de sleep en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    睡覺, 睡覺,睡眠, (一段時間的)睡眠…

  • 中文简体

    睡觉, 睡觉,睡眠, (一段时间的)睡眠…

  • Português

    dormir, sono…

  • 日本語

    眠る, 寝る, 眠り…

  • Türk dili

    uyumak, uyku…

  • Français

    dormir, pouvoir accueillir, sommeil [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    dormir, son…

  • العربية

    يَنام, نَوْم…

Más traducciones de sleep