close Significado & definición

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Significado de close en español

  • 0 If something closes, it moves so that it is not open. If you close something, you move it so that it is not open. -- cerrar

    • Jane closed the window.

    • Suddenly the door closed.

  • 1 If a shop, restaurant, etc. closes, people cannot go in it. -- cerrar

  • 2 If a business closes, it stops operating. -- cerrar

  • 3 near in distance -- cercano

  • 4 near in time -- cerca

  • 5 If people are close, they know each other well and like each other -- íntimo

  • 6 A close relative is someone who is directly related to you, for example your mother, father, or brother. -- cercano

  • 7 A close competition is one in which people’s scores are very similar. -- igualado

  • 8 looking at or listening to someone or something very carefully -- atento

  • 9 near in distance -- cerca

    • They sat close together.

  • 10 the end of something -- cierre

  • 11 to move or be moved into a position that is not open -- cerrar

    • to close the door/window/drawer cerrar la puerta/ventana/cajón

    • so sleepy her eyes began to close tan soñoliento que sus ojos comenzaron a cerrarse

  • 12 to stop operating for a short period or at the end of the day -- cerrar

    • We close at 9. Cerramos a las 9.

    • to close the store for lunch cerrar la tienda a la hora de la comida

  • 13 (of business) to stop doing business forever -- cerrar

    • stores that were forced to close tiendas que fueron obligadas a cerrar

  • 14 to end -- clausurar

  • 15 to prevent people from entering a place -- impedir el acceso

    • They’ve closed all entrances to the building. Han impedido el acceso a todas las entradas al edificio.

    • roads closed to traffic carreteras cerradas al tráfico

  • 16 to stop operating -- cerrar

    • Close all windows and restart. Cierre todas las ventanas y reinicie.

    • It should close down automatically. Debería cerrarse automáticamente.

  • 17 not far -- cercano/na [ masculine-feminine ]

  • 18 not far in time, or with little time between -- próximo/ma [ masculine-feminine ]

    • close to my birthday próximo a mi cumpleaños

    • There were two explosions close together. Hubo dos explosiones muy próximas.

  • 19 likely to happen soon -- cercano/na [ masculine-feminine ]

    • closer to doing a deal más cerca de hacer un trato

  • 20 almost correct -- acertado/da [ masculine-feminine ]

    • Mary’s answer was closest. La respuesta de María fue la más acertada.

  • 21 almost the same -- parecido/da [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a close match with her blood muy similar a su sangre

    • close to 12,000 people casi 12,000 personas

  • 22 (of people) very fond of each other -- íntimo/ma [ masculine-feminine ]

    • close friends amigos íntimos

    • Our families were very close. Nuestras familias tenían una relación estrecha.

  • 23 being a near family relation -- pariente cercano/na [ masculine-feminine ]

    • a close relative un pariente cercano

    • a funeral for close family only un funeral solo para parientes cercanos

  • 24 having almost the same number of points -- reñído/da [ masculine-feminine ]

    • We won, but it was close. Ganamos, pero estuvo reñido.

    • a close contest between the two candidates un concurso reñido entre los dos candidatos

  • 25 careful and thorough -- minucioso/sa [ masculine-feminine ]

  • 26 likely to cause offense -- subido/da de tono

    • That last joke was a little too close to the bone. Esa última broma estaba demasiado subida de tono.

  • 27 near -- cerca

    • Sit close to me. Siéntate cerca de mi

    • to move a little closer acercarse un poco

    • a car following close behind un coche siguiendo de cerca

    • There were several small shops close by. Había varias tiendas pequeñas muy cerca.

    • Up close he looked much younger. De cerca parecía mucho más joven.

  • 28 near in time -- a punto

    • It was getting close to the wedding. La boda se estaba acercando

  • 29 the end of a period or activity -- cierre [ masculine ]

    • at the close of business al cierre del negocio

Más definiciones de close

Ejemplos de close

  • It is not, therefore, a remote and ill-known entity which will decide, but an authority close to its citizens.

  • A very important thing for a patient is to be close to his relatives and not to face a language barrier.

  • Most want to receive health services close to home and in their own language.

  • In this respect, things are close to exceeding the threshold of war.

  • Yes, it is close by; yes, it is nearby a comparable situation.

  • Nor do we know what will actually transpire, even though the deadline is now quite close.

  • The desired effect, closing the hole in the ozone layer, will not be felt for a hundred years.

  • A few days ago our shipyard was to close because it failed to win the contract to build two ships.

Más ejemplos de close

Traducciones de close en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    不開, (使)關,合,關閉, (商店或餐館)關門,不營業,打烊…

  • 中文简体

    不开, (使)关,合,关闭, (商店或餐馆)关门,不营业,打烊…

  • Português

    fechar(-se), fechar, fechar (definitivamente)…

  • 日本語

    ~が閉まる, ~を閉める, (店など)が閉まる…

  • Türk dili

    kapatmak, kapamak, kapanmak…

  • Français

    fermer, fermer (définitivement), terminer…

  • Catalan

    tancar(-se), tancar, pròxim…

  • العربية

    يُغْلِق, قَريب مِن, بالقُرْب مِن…

Más traducciones de close