open Significado & definición

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Significado de open en español

  • 0 not closed or fastened -- abierto

  • 1 A shop or business is open during the time it can do business. -- abierto

  • 2 An open area of land has no buildings on it or near it. -- abierto

  • 3 If you open something, you make it change to a position that is not closed. -- abrir

  • 4 If something opens, it changes to a position that is not closed. -- abrirse

    • The gate won’t open, so we can’t get in.

  • 5 to remove part of a container or parcel so that you can see or use what it contains -- abrir

  • 6 If a shop or office opens at a particular time of day, it starts to do business at that time. -- abrir

  • 7 to make a computer document or program ready to be read or used -- abrir

    • First, open the file called Statistics.

  • 8 If a business or activity opens, or if you open it, it starts officially for the first time. -- abrir

    • That restaurant’s new – it only opened last month.

    • The new hospital will be opened by the mayor.

  • 9 not closed -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • an open door una puerta abierta

    • Her diary lay open on her desk. Su diario estaba abierto sobre su escritorio.

    • Who left the paint can open? ¿Quién dejó el bote de pintura abierto?

    • The windows had been left wide open. Se habían dejado las ventanas abiertas de par en par.

  • 10 (of a store, business, etc.) available for business or to provide service -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • We are open seven days a week. Estamos abiertos los siete días de la semana.

    • The pool won’t be open until this afternoon. La piscina no estará abierta hasta esta tarde.

  • 11 available for use -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Because of heavy snow the road is unlikely to be open. Debido a la fuerte nevada, es poco probable que el camino esté abierto.

  • 12 (of an area) having no buildings, trees, etc. -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

  • 13 honest and willing to talk -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • a friendly, open man un hombre amable y abierto

    • It was not wise to be open about being divorced. No era prudente ser abierto sobre estar divorciado.

  • 14 willing to accept other opinions, ideas, etc. -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • I’m open to ideas about where to go. Estoy abierto a las ideas sobre a dónde ir.

    • I always try to keep an open mind when it comes to my teenage children. Siempre trato de mantener la mente abierta cuando se trata de mis hijos adolescentes.

  • 15 able to be affected -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Many computer users leave themselves open to identity fraud. Muchos usuarios de ordenadores se mantienen abiertos al fraude de identidad.

    • open to criticism/abuse/attack abierto a criticismo/abuso/ataque

  • 16 (of feelings) obvious, not hidden -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • an open and shocking hatred of his parents un odio abierto e impactante a sus padres

  • 17 (of a decision) not yet made -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • Leave that decision open until we have all the necessary information. Deja esa decisión abierta hasta que tengamos toda la información necesaria.

  • 18 (of an event, place, etc.) available to anyone -- abierto/ta [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • an open meeting una reunión abierta

    • The castle ruins are open to the public. Las ruinas del castillo están abiertas al público.

  • 19 to move or make move in order to be open -- abrir

    • She knocked and then opened the door. Llamó y luego abrió la puerta.

    • Open your eyes and look at me. Abre los ojos y mírame.

    • The zipper on my bag keeps opening. La cremallera de mi bolso no para de abrirse.

    • Let’s open another bottle of wine. Abramos otra botella de vino.

  • 20 to start doing business or providing a service each day, or make sth start doing this -- abrir

    • The pool opens at 10 a.m. La piscina abre a las 10 de la mañana.

  • 21 to start doing business for the first time, or make sth start doing this -- abrir

    • A new gym is opening here next month. Un nuevo gimnasio abrirá aquí el próximo mes.

    • They’ve opened several new branches recently. Han abierto varias sucursales nuevas recientemente.

  • 22 to start being available for use, or to make available -- abrir

    • The new runway will open next month. La nueva pista se abrirá el próximo mes.

    • They opened the new runway. Abrieron la nueva pista.

  • 23 to start shooting a weapon -- abrir fuego

  • 24 outside -- descubierto

    • I just had to get out in the open. Solo tenía que salir al descubierto.

  • 25 publicly known about, no longer secret -- a la luz

    • There’ll be trouble once that information gets out in the open. Habrá problemas una vez la información salga a la luz.

Más definiciones de open

Ejemplos de open

  • We must accelerate the drive to ensure open and interoperable standards and promote those standards worldwide.

  • Best of all, it was always cheerful and open.

  • The most proactive and open mayors are therefore facing enormous difficulties.

  • Then it is undeniably an open question as to the role to which the rotating presidency will return.

  • A draft is out now for a second open consultation with stakeholders.

  • The barn door is wide open, and now we want to bring the harvest in.

  • Finally, we have to go into this issue with our eyes open about the likely cost.

  • I want to work with an open mind, setting high standards that are in tune with social and economic realities.

Más ejemplos de open

Traducciones de open en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    未關的, 開著的,未關的, 準備好的…

  • 中文简体

    未关的, 开着的,未关的, 准备好的…

  • Português

    aberto, abrir…

  • 日本語

    開いた, 営業している, 見通しのよい…

  • Türk dili

    açık, (mağaza, işyeri) açık…

  • Français

    ouvert/-erte, découvert/-erte, franc/franche…

  • Catalan

    obert, obrir, obrir-se…

  • العربية

    مَفْتوح, خَلاء, يَفْتَح…

Más traducciones de open